Oct. 31
The College of Business will host the next informational lunch on its MBA program Nov. 8 (noon-1 p.m., 1360 Gerdin). Lunch is provided; bring your questions. Online registration is requested; questions may be directed to Jenny Reitano.
Oct. 28
Mike Otis, associate director of human resource services, will provide an overview of Iowa State's 2012 benefits program at the next Professional and Scientific Council open forum Nov. 3 (noon-1 p.m., MU Gallery). All are welcome; feel free to bring your lunch.
Oct. 27
Faculty and staff may attend free sessions in the next few months presented by ISU's Employee Assistance Program provider, Employee and Family Resources. The programs range from team building to integrating work and family, to better understanding yourself to maximize your output and happiness, and all will be held in the Memorial Union. The schedule for these sessions is below, and employees can sign up for these sessions through their access plus account under HRS trainings. Descriptions for each session can be viewed on access plus in the same place as the sign ups.
Questions may be directed to the HRS Service Center at 515-294-4800 or by email to hrshelp@iastate.edu.
Oct. 26
Presentation proposals are being accepted through Nov. 28 for the 13th annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE), to be held March 2, 2012, in the Memorial Union. Students, staff and faculty will provide concurrent sessions at ISCORE 2012. Proposals should be submitted online.
Oct. 26
Bruce Babcock, professor of economics and director of the Center for Agricultural and Rural Development, will present "Black Gold: Why Iowa Land Prices Have Doubled in Value" during a Science Café presentation Nov. 3 (7 p.m., Lucullan's, 400 Main St., Ames). Babcock's talk will be preceded by a social gathering at 6:30 p.m., and followed by a question-and-answer period. All are invited to this free event. Contact Sue Fairbanks, 4-7315, for more information.
Oct. 26
Human resource services has invited an insurance expert (not working on commission) to present "Life Insurance: How Might it Benefit You" during two separate sessions Nov. 1 (noon or 5:30 p.m., MU Oak Room). Examples of strategic life insurance planning include:
Contact TIAA-CREF at 268-8600 to reserve your seat for one of the sessions. All employees are welcome.
Oct. 26
ISU's Center for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education will host these events early next month:
Oct. 25
Iowa State student-athletes graduated at the highest rate in the Big 12 according to figures recently released by the NCAA.
Oct. 21
A draft of the new policy Research Misconduct has been posted in the ISU policy library for public review and comment. This policy was prompted by federal agencies' issuance of regulations and procedures to be followed when allegations of research misconduct are made. Comments and questions regarding the draft policy are requested by Nov. 18 to policy@iastate.edu.
Oct. 19
Employees who accept cash as part of their job duties are invited to a free one-hour training session Oct. 31 on detecting counterfeit currency. It will be led by special agent Terry Johnson of the U.S. Secret Service and offered six times: 9, 10 and 11 a.m., and 1, 2 and 3 p.m., all at Reiman Gardens (identify yourself as a training participant at the gardens entrance for free admittance). Register via AccessPlus for one of the sessions (select "Employee" tab, "HRS Training" and "Courses"). Free parking is available in lot S1. Questions about the sessions may be directed to ISU treasurer Joan Piscitello, 4-4363.
Oct. 26
Human Sciences dean Pam White and associate provost Dawn Bratsch-Prince will co-chair the committee charged with finding the next dean of the College of Business. Executive vice president and provost Elizabeth Hoffman seeks nominations for other search committee members. Nominations are due by noon Friday, Oct. 28, to Julie Tarbox. The committee's membership will be finalized next week, and the group's first meeting will be held before the Thanksgiving break. In addition, White and Bratsch-Prince will host an open forum to discuss the search process and the qualities to be sought in the new dean. Details of the forum will be announced soon.
Oct. 24
Meta!Blast, a 3D interactive video game created by an interdisciplinary student-faculty team at Iowa State, is a finalist in a competition hosted by the National Science Foundation and Science magazine. Voting in the "People's Choice" category closes at 6 p.m. Oct. 28 (CST). The team requests votes from members of the ISU community.
Oct. 24
Iowa State is offering employees flu shots at no cost through Oct. 28 (10 a.m.-4 p.m. weekdays, 205 TASF). No appointment is necessary, but bring your ISU ID card or your university number with you to the shot clinic. More information.
Oct. 24
Environmental Health & Safety will host a fall safety summit, "Don't Be a Mad Scientist," (PDF) Oct. 28 (7:45-9 a.m., EH&S Building). Staff will provide information on a federal Department of Homeland Security visit and use of nitric acid, among other topics. The summits are designed for safety officers, lab managers, PIs, grad students and others who need to know current safety information. To register, call 4-2193 or email Karla Godfrey-Dixon.
Oct. 24
The University Book Store in the Memorial Union will be closed for inventory Sunday, Oct. 30. The store will reopen at its normal time, 7:45 a.m., Monday, Oct. 31.
Oct. 19
Employee and Family Resources, Iowa State's employee assistance program provider, is offering employees several training opportunities now through January 2012. Topics include "Integrating Work and Family," "Tune Up Your True Colors," "Time Management" and "The Building Blocks of Teamwork." The first two sessions are Oct. 24 (Integrating Work and Family, 9-11 a.m., MU Cardinal Room) and Oct. 25 (Tune Up Your True Colors, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., MU Pioneer Room). To register for these or other classes, log on to AccessPlus, select the "Employee" tab and click "HRS Training." For additional help or questions, call human resource services at 4-4800.
Oct. 19
Due to a flight cancellation, the Oct. 19 Manatt-Phelps lecture by former Indiana Congressman Lee Hamilton has been postponed. Organizers are working to reschedule Hamilton's lecture on American foreign policy post-Iraq and Afghanistan.
Oct. 19
"Investing for Life's Goals" is the topic of a TIAA-CREF retirement seminar Oct. 25 (5:30-6:30 p.m., MU Gold Room). To register, call TIAA-CREF at 268-8601 or 800-732-8353.
Oct. 17
Nikki Bado, ISU religious studies (Toying with God: The World of Religious Games and Dolls, 2010); and Curtis Struck, ISU physics (Galaxy Collisions: Forging New Worlds from Cosmic Crashes, 2011) will read from their most recent books during a library-hosted event Oct. 26 (3-4:30 p.m., 192 Parks Library). All are welcome. Bado's book explores the intersection of religion and popular culture, particularly religious games and dolls. Struck's book explains the concept of colliding galaxies, which often merge to create larger galaxies in a dynamic process that is ever changing.
Oct. 17
Oct. 14
For a $5 donation, ISU employees can wear blue jeans to work Wednesday, Oct. 26, for "Miracle Jeans Days," sponsored by ISU Dance Marathon. All proceeds benefit the University of Iowa Children's Hospital through Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. To participate, follow these steps:
Jeans not acceptable in your office? Another option is to "Wear Khaki for Kids." To participate, follow the above procedure.
Oct. 13
"Your Income Options," a webinar that will explain how to take withdrawals from your TIAA-CREF retirement plan, is planned for noon to 1 p.m. Oct. 19. Preregistration is required to participate. Once registered, you'll receive an email with a toll-free phone number you will need to access the webinar. A recording of the webinar also will be available online after Oct. 19. Contact Ann Doty, ISU retirement information specialist, to get the link.
Oct. 12
Do you have questions about how Social Security works? Will you or a family member be signing up for Social Security or Medicare in the next year? A 55-minute webinar, presented by the manager of the Ames Social Security office, is available for viewing by all employees and their spouses/partners through Oct. 19. Access this link from any computer. At the sign-in window, you can use any name, and use "ISU" for the company. Providing an email address and phone number are optional.
Oct. 12
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences' online auction will support the 2011 United Way campaign and features more than 40 items. Bids will be accepted through 5 p.m. Oct. 20.
Oct. 12
Employees may notice several new transactions listed on their TIAA-CREF quarterly statements. These changes reflect the funds that were moved into less expensive versions of the same funds earlier this summer. In addition, six new funds have been added to the ISU Retirement Plan investments lineup, including American Funds Capital World Growth, American Funds Capital Income Fund, Columbia Acorn Fund, DFA Emerging Markets Portfolio, PIMCO Total Return Fund and Templeton Global Bond Fund.
TIAA-CREF representatives will be available in the Memorial Union to answer your questions about these changes or any other topics on Monday Oct. 17 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Gold Room) and Tuesday, Oct. 18 (8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 3512 MU). Stop in at your convenience.
Oct. 12
The College of Business will host the next informational lunch on its MBA program Oct. 27 (noon-1 p.m., 1360 Gerdin). Lunch is provided; bring your questions. Online registration is requested; questions may be directed to Jenny Reitano.
Oct. 12
Iowa State's Virtual Reality Applications Center is taking reservations for demonstrations through 2012. The demonstrations, held in the Howe Hall auditorium, show how the center uses virtual reality as a research tool and how computer graphics have improved over the past 25 years. Demonstration dates, times and reservations are online.
Oct. 12
A draft of the new volunteers policy is available in the policy library for public review and comment. This policy and related procedures are designed to establish the relationship of volunteers to the university for the purpose of minimizing risk and providing protection for the interests of the volunteer, the university, the state of Iowa and the community. Submit comments and questions regarding the draft policy by Nov. 14 to policy@iastate.edu.
Oct. 11
The office of biotechnology will provide funds for biotechnology-related conferences, symposia and workshops that are held on campus and are organized by faculty members or jointly by a faculty sponsor and graduate students. Applications are due Nov. 1 for proposed events for the remainder of 2011 and the 2012 calendar year. More information and the application form are online.
Oct. 11
Beginning Thursday, Oct. 13, the College of Veterinary Medicine will provide public access through four building entrances: College administration (flagpole entrance), small and large animal hospital reception areas and the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory receiving lobby. At each entrance, a receptionist will greet visitors and assist them in locating a room or an individual. The public entrances will be open during regular business hours. All other doors will remain locked; only people with authorized access cards may use the locked entrances.
Oct. 10
"Public Gardens of Iowa," a 2012 wall calendar, is available for $6 through the ISU Extension online store. The calendar includes locations, hours of operation and websites for the featured gardens, as well as gardening tips.
Oct. 10
There are openings in a new van pool for ISU employees who live in Des Moines or Ankeny and work 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on campus. The pickup points are:
The cost is $85/month, which includes the roundtrip commute Monday-Friday, 10 one-day parking permits for days riders need to drive their own vehicle to work, and a guaranteed ride home if an emergency arises and the employee needs to get home quickly. Iowa State's Story City ($50/month) and Roland ($90/month) employee van pools also have openings. For more information on any of the van pools or to sign up, contact Kathy Wellik in transportation services, 4-1657.
Oct. 7
The 2011 homecoming committee is encouraging faculty and staff to show their Cyclone spirit by decorating department offices, personal offices or office doors to celebrate this year's homecoming (Oct. 17-22). To participate, email Erin Fisher and finish decorating by Oct 14. Judging begins Oct. 17; only those who have sent an email will be judged. Awards will be given in the following categories:
Oct. 5
The College of Engineering is holding an online auction through Oct. 21 to raise money for United Way. New items will be added until the auction closes.
Oct. 5
Spots are still available in the second session of the English enrichment course for international visiting scholars, faculty/staff and graduate students. The class focuses on conversational skills (idiomatic expressions, slang, cross-cultural comparisons) and discussions about current events. The class meets Tuesdays and Thursdays, Oct. 18 through Dec. 8 (5-6:30 p.m.). Cost is $225. To register or for more information, contact Joan Chamberlin by Oct. 14.
Oct. 5
The College of Human Sciences will sponsor a pizza sale Oct. 6 (11 a.m.-1 p.m., sidewalk south of Lagomarcino and sidewalk west of LeBaron). Choose from pepperoni, cheese, ham and sausage; $2/slice or two slices/$3. Cans of soda are $1. Proceeds go to the United Way of Story County.
Oct. 4
The nomination process for 2012 university awards has begun. About 40 awards are available in faculty and staff categories. Nominations are due in the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost on Feb. 20, 2012. College deadlines are: Nov. 15 (Agriculture and Life Sciences), Dec. 14 (Liberal Arts and Sciences), Jan. 17, 2012 (Human Sciences), Jan. 23 (Business), Jan. 27 (Engineering), Jan. 31 (Veterinary Medicine) and Feb. 1 (Design). Departments or other units may have earlier deadlines. Units will be notified on approximately May 1, 2012, of award decisions, and recipients will be honored at the September 2012 university convocation.
These liaisons can answer questions about specific awards:
Oct. 4
Students in the fine dining management class will host two dinners this fall, Oct. 26 and Nov. 30. Both dinners begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Joan Bice Underwood Tearoom, MacKay Hall. Cost is $40-45 per person.
The first dinner features American cuisine; the second dinner's focus is Coffee: Beyond a Beverage (iron chef theme). To make reservations for Oct. 26, contact Krystin Gray, 319-651-9414, or email isudinner2@gmail.com. For Nov. 30 dinner reservations, contact Kendall Olson, 641-420-0655, or email isudinner3@gmail.com.
Oct. 4
Shihwu Sung, professor in environmental engineering, will present "New Frontier of Biological Wastewater Nutrient Removal" at the next Osborn Club lecture Oct. 10 (7 p.m., Gold Room, Hilton Garden Inn, 1325 Dickenson Ave., Ames). The club's lectures are open to the public.
Oct. 4
Reiman Gardens
The Luna moth and Northern Lights inspired the "Snug as a Bug" display in the Reiman Gardens conservatory.