Sept. 22, 2011

Carillon bells will be ringing Saturday
Plan a trip to central campus Saturday, Sept. 24, and enjoy an afternoon listening to the bells of Iowa State during Carillon Festival 2011. The event is free and open to the public.
A master class led by Arie Abbenes, the festival's guest carillonneur from Utrecht, The Netherlands, kicks off the day's events at 10:30 a.m. (meet at the base of the campanile; the class will move to the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall, Music Hall). Anyone interested in learning about the mechanics of the carillon is welcome to attend.
At 1 p.m., Iowa State's carillonneur and associate professor of music Tin-Shi Tam will perform the winning composition from the 2011 carillon composition competition. The composer whose piece is selected wins $500 and the honor of hearing his or her composition premiered at the festival.
Beginning at 2 p.m., Abbenes will give a 45-minute carillon performance to conclude the day's events, followed by public tours of the campanile. Photo by Daniel Black, from ISU Photostream.