March 24, 2011

Ames intermodal transportation facility. Submitted photo.
Work begins on Campustown transportation hub
by Erin Rosacker
Work has begun on the Ames intermodal transportation facility, located on university property west of the Chamberlain Street intersection at Hayward Avenue. It will provide more than 390 parking spots and accommodate commuter, bus, taxi and bike traffic.
Construction fences are up and crews are working to clear the area. ISU parking lot 60, which offered 236 spaces for residence hall and student government parking, was part of the space. Permit holders were moved to the Towers parking lots.
Jon Harvey, project manager and architect in facilities planning and management, said the intermodal facility is expected to be substantially complete by June 2012. He said that at a minimum, the project will be LEED certified silver, but crews are shooting for a gold rating.
CyRide will own the facility, which will include enclosed bus bays, a two-level parking ramp and a taxi stand. Federal grant funds, and Congressional and local matching dollars are paying for the $9.2 million project. Iowa State has not committed any funding to the project, but has been contracted to manage the facility.