Where's Bob

Feb. 25

Where's Bob?

Do you know where university photographer Bob Elbert spied this large version of Old Glory?

Feb. 25

Top honors for King Pavilion

The U.S. Green Building Council awarded the King Pavilion addition to the College of Design LEED® Platinum certification, the highest rating for new construction.

Leith Sharp

Leith Sharp

Feb. 25

Learning from sustainability leaders

The founders of the outdoor clothing firm Patagonia and Harvard's Green Campus Initiative delivered keynote presentations at ISU's Symposium on Enhancing Sustainability.

Feb. 25

Nominees sought for Vet Med search committee

A search committee will be formed by late March to find the next dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine. Nominations of potential committee members may be e-mailed to executive vice president and provost Elizabeth Hoffman by March 5.

Feb. 25

Faculty discussion continues at AAUP meeting

The ISU chapter of the American Association of University Professors held a Feb. 22 open meeting, continuing discussion of possible academic program and faculty position eliminations.

Jeff Hedlund

Keeping it clean

Feb. 25

Wipe your feet

Winter salt and sand accumulations are keeping custodial staff members busy cleaning high-traffic areas in campus buildings.

Feb. 25

Green projects reap rewards

The solar decathon team, ISU Dining and the group that brought recycling to the residence halls received Live Green Excellence Awards.