Sept. 1, 2011
Show your (school) colors to get free stuff
by Erin Rosacker
Break out your cardinal and gold gear and get ready to win some prizes. There will be several campus promotions this fall that will reward members of the campus community for wearing their Cyclone pride.
"The purpose of the promotion is to encourage students, faculty and staff to wear Iowa State apparel on Fridays to show their Cyclone spirit," said Darci Kester, communications specialist in the Trademark Licensing Office.

CyTrack. Submitted image.
Fridays are CyDays
On Fridays prior to the six home football games, Cy and the Super Fanner's student organization will be stationed somewhere on campus with free giveaways. Their location will be revealed via "CyTrack" on ISU's Facebook page and Twitter feed. Anyone who is wearing Iowa State gear and finds Cy will earn a prize (while supplies last).
Pride Patrol
The Student Alumni Leadership Council (SALC) will roam campus every Friday during the football season, looking for people clad in cardinal and gold. SALC members will snap photos and post them on the university's Facebook page the following Monday. Each week, a winning photo will be randomly selected and the winner will receive free Cyclone merchandise.
Mascot Mondays
As part of the University Book Store's Mascot Monday specials, a featured product will be revealed on the ISU Facebook page. A photo and link to the item will be posted, along with a promotional discount code. Customers can use the code online and in the store to earn 5 percent off for every seven points scored by ISU (up to 25 percent off). Due to the Labor Day holiday, the first promotion will take place on Tuesday, Sept. 6.