July 14, 2011
Storm-damaged trees being removed
by Erin Rosacker
A final round of cleanup of trees damaged by the July 2010 windstorm got under way July 13. There are 42 trees slated for removal, with the biggest concentration in the wooded areas around the ISU cross country course and arboretum.
The removal qualified for FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) aid, which requires completion within a year. In all, FEMA and FPM identified hundreds of trees for removal, which began last fall. FPM landscape architect Rhonda Martin said the removals will be less noticeable for this last batch of damaged trees, because most are located in less-traveled areas.
Facilities planning and management contracted with West Des Moines-based Wright Outdoor Solutions for the tree removals, which should be complete by July 25. Stump grinding is scheduled for completion by Aug. 5.