Dec. 2, 2010

Decorate a sugar cookie and enjoy a cup of hot chocolate, courtesy of ISU Dining, as part of WinterFest activities in the Memorial Union on Dec. 3. Photo by Bob Elbert.
WinterFest moves to Friday, adds some evening activities
by Anne Krapfl
WinterFest 2010
The student planners behind this year's WinterFest celebration on Dec. 3 want the event to have a community feel to it. With that goal in mind, they moved WinterFest from its longstanding Wednesday slot to Friday and stitched together an array of indoor and outdoor events that are free to all participants.
"We hope lots of people have fun at WinterFest," said MaryBeth Konkowski, chair of the planning committee. "We really wanted to make sure the [Ames/ISU] community feels invited, and we want them to fully participate. It's a great time of year."
Konkowski said members of the Ames business community encouraged them to try WinterFest on a Friday instead of a weeknight.
Illumination ceremony
Several ISU choral groups will perform at the 5:30 p.m. illumination ceremony on central campus, preceded by a carillon concert by Tin-shi Tam. Memorial Union director Richard Reynolds and student body vice president Nate Dobbels will make brief remarks. Seasonal lights will illuminate bushes on the campanile and Memorial Union lawns, a conifer tree east of Beardshear Hall and the Marston water tower. As part of the Freshmen Council's 5-kilometer Jingle Jog after the ceremony, the sidewalk between Beardshear and Curtiss halls also will be lit for the evening. Union Drive in front of the Memorial Union will be closed to vehicles for about 45 minutes during the ceremony.
Find your fun
Throughout the day and evening, participants can attend open houses at The Knoll, University Book Store, Farm House Museum and the MU Underground recreation area. They'll have an opportunity to make winter crafts, tour the campanile, frost cookies, go ice skating or reign as dodgeball champion. If they like, they can get some holiday shopping done -- in the bookstore, at a local artisans' craft sale in the Maintenance Shop or from student organizations. The full schedule of WinterFest events follows:
Friday, Dec. 3
All events free unless noted
- 7 a.m.-7 p.m., Open house, University Book Store, specials and events throughout the day (gift wrapping, for a donation, offered by Dance Marathon, The 10,000 Hours Show and other volunteers in the Pine Room, adjacent to the Commons), MU
- 10 a.m.-6:30 p.m., Summer sausage and cheese sale, ISU Block and Bridle Club, $5-$20, near University Book Store entrance, MU
- 10 a.m.-7 p.m., Poinsettia sale, ISU Horticulture Club, $7-20, near University Book Store entrance, MU
- Noon-7 p.m., Art Mart, local artists craft sale (glass, pottery, prints, jewelry), most items $8-$20, Maintenance Shop, MU
- 3-6 p.m., Open house, The Knoll, hosted by Kathy Geoffroy, enjoy a cup of Knoll hot chocolate
- 5-5:30 p.m., Carillon concert, ISU carillonneur Tin-shi Tam, central campus
- 5-7 p.m., Empty Bowl Project, purchase a handcrafted ceramic bowl and fill it with vegetable soup or chili, proceeds go to Oxfam America, $10 ($8 ISU students, $6 children age 10 years and younger, nonperishable food item reduces cost by $1), Campanile Room, MU
- 5-8 p.m., Seasonal beverage samples, MU Market and Cafe
- 5-8 p.m., Open house, Farm House Museum, 1870s Christmas exhibition, hot beverages served
- 5-8 p.m., "Fire" sale, merchandise (hats, bags, T-shirts, sweatshirts) from past Veisheas, Commons, MU
- 5-9 p.m., Crafts, make snowflakes or get your photo taken (7-9 p.m.) for a photo snow globe, Multicultural Center, MU
- 5-9 p.m., Winter crafts, beaded icicles, ornaments and more, Workspace, MU
- 5:30 p.m., Illumination ceremony, lawn south of the campanile, includes choral performances, brief remarks and the lighting of outdoor central campus lights
- 6 p.m. (conclusion of illumination ceremony), 4th annual Jingle Jog (5K fun run), in memory of former student Andy Albright, $15, proceeds support a scholarship for a member of the Freshmen Council, to which Albright belonged, check-in begins at 4 p.m. in MU South Ballroom
- 6-7:15 p.m., Campanile tours, in groups of nine, meet at the base of the campanile
- 6 p.m. until gone, Cookie decorating and hot chocolate, courtesy of ISU Dining, Commons, MU
- 6-9 p.m., Horse-drawn wagon rides around central campus, stops at the north side of the MU and Farm House Museum
- 6-10 p.m., Massages, full-body dry aquamassage or leg/foot massage, Oak Room, MU
- 7 p.m.-midnight, Open house, MU Underground, free bowling, billiards, table tennis and Wii for all
- 8 p.m., Film, Salt, South Ballroom, MU
- 10 p.m.-midnight, Snowball dodgeball tournament for all, come with a team of six or join a team when you arrive, Beyer gymnasium
- 10 p.m.-1 a.m., Ice skating, free admission and skate rental for all, Ames/ISU Ice Arena, 1505 Gateway Hills Park Dr.