Nov. 11, 2010

This sign along Stange Road is among 25 new directional signs intended to help drivers find their way to key visitor destinations on campus. Photo by Bob Elbert.
New signs chart the way to campus
by Diana Pounds
See complete list of sign destinations.
GPS notwithstanding, it's not always easy to find your way around a new campus. Twenty-five recently installed signs are easing the stress level for drivers headed to Iowa State.
In this Inside Q&A, Chris Strawhacker, project manager in facilities planning and management, answers questions about Iowa State's sign project.
Who will use the signs?
The signs are there to point the way for new and prospective students, their families and other campus visitors. Signs are positioned along key vehicular entry routes to campus, like University Boulevard, Lincoln Way, Stange Road, 13th Street and 24th Street.
How were sign destinations selected?
The signs point to likely destinations of new students and visitors. Most visitors are headed to places like central campus, residence halls, athletics facilities, campus attractions and public parking. Buildings with areas where visitors can get additional information about the university were favored.
How big are the signs?
They're 15.5 feet tall, weigh 550 pounds each and were made to withstand winds up to 90 mph. Signs were sized to accommodate long facility names and be readable by drivers moving briskly along such roads as University Boulevard.
Is there a significance to the sign design?
The peak atop each sign resembles a common building roof line on campus, rather than the roof of any specific building. In form and colors, the signs complement two other university projects -- campus historical markers and the South Campus Gateway entrance to campus along University Boulevard.
Are more directional signs planned?
This group of signs was designed to cover the main entrance to campus. There's no project in the works now, but additional signs may be installed in the future.