Sept. 2, 2010
Mark Clarridge
Professional and Scientific Council president, 2010-11
Clarridge's council service:
Council member (2006-10) and president-elect (2009-10); awards committee member (2006-07) and co-chair (2007-09)
The basics
Position: Systems support specialist,
U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory
Arrived at ISU: 1993, systems support specialist,
Ames Lab
Clarridge's top goal
- Work with administration, faculty and merit staff to meet the demands of record student enrollment in a very tight budget year
Council priorities
- Addressing increased workloads for P&S staff, a byproduct of budget cuts
- Improving learning and professional development opportunities
- Advancing work/life balance accommodations
- Monitoring the resource management model
Council's biggest challenge
"Addressing the compensation and benefits needs of our constituency in a tight budget year."
Clarridge's thoughts on the year ahead
"Despite the budget cuts and increased workloads, P&S Council needs to continue to be an active participant in the decision-making process. P&S staff play a key role in the process of ensuring continued growth of the institution. I encourage our constituency to be involved in the P&S Council. The university administration has given P&S staff a platform to voice its thoughts and concerns through council representation. Take the opportunity to be involved with council for the greater good."