Sept. 2, 2010
Rain limits football public parking
Steady rain showers late Tuesday prompted ISU officials to close additional areas in some public parking lots for the Sept. 2 Iowa State-Northern Illinois football game. Grass lots G-4, G-5 and G-8 (along South 16th Street) will have limited availability due to saturated ground. Parking lots north of Center Drive also remain closed to accommodate flood recovery work in Hilton Coliseum.
Fans are encouraged to carpool and use smaller vehicles, rather than bring buses and RVs. Early arrival to the game also is advised.
Paved parking lots at the College of Veterinary Medicine and all donor lots are expected to remain accessible. Public parking options include the use of central campus parking lots after 5 p.m. The free CyRide orange route (No. 4) will operate from the Kmart parking lot (1405 Buckeye Ave., off South 16th Street), beginning at 5 p.m. and run until after the conclusion of the game. Riders are cautioned that wait times between shuttles, especially after the game, could be long.
All available stadium-area lots open at 1 p.m. Thursday. Kickoff is at 7 p.m. Public parking costs $20 per car ($40 for RVs and buses, which are discouraged for this week's game).