Sept. 15
The natatorium in the State Gym addition is a busy place this week. Tile specialists are working on the pool and artist and ISU alumnus Eric Sealine (center, with University Museums director Lynette Pohlman) is on campus for the installation of his ceramic tile mural along the room's west wall.
Sept. 15
The search committee seeking Iowa State's next president will hold a two-day meeting in Minneapolis Sept. 15-16 to interview candidates. Campus open forums with yet-to-be-named finalists are scheduled to begin next week.
Monitoring wells
Sept. 15
Instructors in geology and engineering are pretty pumped about eight wells recently installed near campus. The monitoring wells, east of Hilton Coliseum in Stuart Smith Park, are there to provide richer learning experiences for students studying water science in a variety of classes.
Sept. 15
University officials will seek permission from the state Board of Regents next week to make improvements to the Knoll between presidential administrations. Private gifts would pay for the upgrades.
9/11 remembrance
Sept. 15
Students and others in the community gathered around the campanile last Sunday to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States.
Sept. 15
A proposed school of education and a new name for the apparel, educational studies and hospitality management (AESHM) department were introduced to senators at the Sept. 13 Faculty Senate meeting.
Hot Club of San Francisco
The Hot Club of San Francisco brings gypsy jazz to Fisher Theater, with two shows (7 and 9:30 p.m.) on Sept. 16.