June 3, 2010
New windows: energy efficient and easy on the eye
A phased project to replace single-pane windows in Physics and Science I halls began in the summer of 2008 and will wrap up this fall. This summer's phase will replace 44 windows in Science I and 31 windows in Physics. The old windows were original to the buildings and dated back to the 1920s and 1950s, respectively. The new energy-efficient thermal pane windows already have improved the comfort of occupants and reduced maintenance needs, according to Jay Goss, project manager in facilities planning and management.
Physics Hall houses the physics and astronomy department and Science I Hall provides space for four departments -- geological and atmospheric sciences, microbiology, psychology and natural resource ecology and management.
"We couldn't execute window replacement in an occupied building without good communication and help from the users," Goss said.
This deferred maintenance project is being funded by university funds and deferred maintenance/academic building revenue bonds. Companies working on the project are Edge Commercial, West Des Moines; and Van Ert Glass, Atlantic. Photos by Bob Elbert.