Inside Iowa State | |||
Inside ArchivesSubmit newsSend news for Inside to, or call (515) 294-7065. See publication dates, deadlines. About InsideInside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations. |
June 11, 2004Top funding priority is salariesIowa States top funding priority for the fiscal year that begins July 1 is increases to the salary and benefits package for faculty and professional and scientific employees. On the fast track to materials discoveriesISU researchers have staked out several niches in combinatorial science -- a methodology that greatly accelerates discoveries in materials. Council forwards early retirement studyA P&S report that includes retirement options at Iowa State's "Peer 11" universities will be shared with administrators and serve as a starting point for council discussions. Summer activities for kids![]() Summertime brings lots of kids to campus for various camps and other activities. Thomas named interim deanJerry Thomas, professor and chair of health and human performance, has been named interim dean of the College of Education, effective Aug. 1. Holger has new appointmentDavid Holger has been appointed associate provost for academic programs and dean of the Graduate College. Photos![]() Students walk across campus on a hot summer day. ![]() A find in an antique store reveals a new look at a 1913 campus. |
![]() The world's a stage for Marc Harding, whose job as
admissions director
has him
juggling several roles.
(Photo by Bob Elbert.)
'Omics' labs ready for researchersNew facilities devoted to metabolomics and proteomics extend the capability of existing genomics laboratories. Announcements
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Good for businessIowa State experts are helping train power system professionals, which will help avoid blackouts. Arts and EventsTop picks
Stephens seasonThe 2004-05 Season at Stephens features plays, orchestras and other productions. CongratulationsReceptionsRichard Carter, Todd Herriott, Marshall Jurgens, Dennis Peterson, Elizabeth Beck, Dennis Sailsbury, Jim Baker, Dwaine Bundy, Jeff Lorimor, Stu Melvin, Graeme Quick, Ellen Holm, Carolyn Russell, Heather Johnson Huntley, Janice Miover, Kathie Hawbaker, Carolyn Ringgenberg, John Kleitsch. HonoredZhengdao Wang, Stephen Pett, Jeffrey Kushkowski, Kathy Parsons, William Wiese. |
![]() Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111. Published by: University Relations, Copyright © 1995-2004, Iowa State University of Science and Technology. All rights reserved. |