May 5, 2011

Artist David Rogers installs one his larger-than-life bugs at Reiman Gardens. The public can view the exhibition May 7 through Sept. 4. Photos by Bob Elbert.
Big bugs swarm Reiman Gardens
by Paula Van Brocklin
Large bugs will infest Reiman Gardens beginning May 7, but there's no need to call an exterminator.

Long Island, N.Y., artist David Rogers will display 10 of his larger-than-life insect sculptures at the gardens through Sept. 4 as part of its yearlong tribute to insects. Among the sculptures are three ants, an assassin bug, a damselfly, a dragonfly, a grasshopper, a ladybug, a praying mantis and a spider (technically, an arachnid).
Rogers creates the sculptures from whole trees (either standing or fallen); cut, green saplings from willow trees; dry branches and other forest materials.
Another artist, Randy Schnebbe of Victor, will display his creative interpretation of insects as well. Schnebbe's sculptures are metallic and incorporate industrial and salvaged pieces along with large rocks.
Rogers will be on hand May 7, the exhibit's opening day, from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 3 p.m. to visit with attendees. General admission rates apply for all events.