Nov. 12, 2009
Where's Bob?
University photographer Bob Elbert is shooting along the east side of the Administrative Services Building (ASB) on Stange Road.
Nov. 12, 2009
University photographer Bob Elbert is shooting along the east side of the Administrative Services Building (ASB) on Stange Road.
Details of a temporary layoff/furlough plan for faculty, professional and scientific staff and supervisory and confidential staff are online.
Units are encouraged to consider shutting down Dec. 24-Jan. 3 to give employees a window to use their temporary layoff/furlough days.
The University Library will close its physical facilities from Dec. 24 through Jan. 3, 2010, to conserve energy and reduce operating costs.
ISU geologist Neal Iverson has created an indoor glacier simulator that will help him study glacier movement.
The Carver Initiative, designed to help math educators better teach and assess critical algebra and math skills to high school students is taking math lessons into the 21st century using Moodle, an online course management system and learning environment.