April 19, 2002
Council backs family leave policy despite some concerns
by Anne Krapfl
At its April 3 meeting, the P&S Council approved a motion supporting a
revised draft of a family leave policy for faculty and P&S employees. ( See related
The council's motion notes some lingering concern that all P&S employees
will not be treated the same (for example, P&S employees on one-year
appointments aren't eligible until their contracts are renewed), but
endorses the flexibility it provides to employees to balance work and family
responsibilities at the time of a birth or adoption.
Open forum
During the council's noon forum, Ellen Rasmussen, assistant provost, and
Mark Chidister, assistant to the president for budget planning and analysis,
provided an update on budget planning for FY03. (Their talk is available in
a streaming media file from the council's
http://www.iastate. edu/~ps_info/streamingforums.html Web site.) Points
they made include:
- The current number of P&S employees who will lose their jobs due to
cuts in state appropriations to Iowa State is 19; 17 under the provost's
umbrella and 2 in student affairs. However, that number changes frequently
as additional information about grant funding or contracts becomes
- There is not a hiring freeze at Iowa State and President Gregory
Geoffroy repeatedly has said he's not interested in imposing one.
- The 90-day notice to P&S employees who lose their jobs will be honored,
even if it means some laid-off employees still are on the job after July 1
when the next fiscal year begins.
- Outplacement counseling services will be provided to those who want them
and until they land jobs, with costs covered centrally at the provost/vice
president level.
- Human resources staff are working on identifying one or two locations to
provide laid-off employees access to computers, printers, fax and phone to
help with their job searches. HR staff also are helping laid-off P&S staff
identify other positions on campus for which they're qualified.
The council's next meeting begins at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 2, in the Memorial
Union Gallery. Council officers for the 2002-03 year will be elected. During
the noon forum preceding the meeting, representatives of four groups that
received student recruitment and retention grants this year will summarize
their efforts and results.
Election results
P&S Council elections were held in March. New members will take office at
the June 6 meeting. Elected were:
Academic and Research: Marcia Brink, Center for Transportation
Research and Education (3-year term); Rex Heer*, ITC (3); Marie Mayer, AIT
(3); Judy Strand*, FCS Administration (3); Brenda Van Beek, Animal ecology
(3); Jeff Sorensen, AIT (2); Paul Kapke, Biotechnology (1)
Business and Finance: Dave Brotherson, ADP (3); Pat Strah*, Vice
President for Business and Finance Office (3); Ann Doty, Retirement
planning (1)
Extension: Margaret Van Ginkel, Urbandale (3); James Jensen*, Mt.
Pleasant (3)
External Affairs: Linda Brinkmeyer*, Athletics (3); Barb McManus, Ag
Information (1)
Student Affairs: Tom Becker, Admissions (3)
*incumbent council member
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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