April 19, 2002
Parental leave policy needs regents' approval
by Anne Krapfl
A new faculty and P&S staff leave policy covering the birth and adoption of
children has gained campus approval and will be forwarded to the Board of
Regents, State of Iowa, for final approval. The campus thumbs-up follows
more than a year of discussion, drafting and suggestions from campus
constituent groups.
The policy authorizes six weeks of paid leave for eligible P&S staff and
faculty with newborn or adopted children, and also acknowledges the federal
Family Medical Leave Act, which guarantees up to 12 weeks of unpaid,
job-protected leave to new parents. Employees may use accrued sick leave and
vacation time to cover leaves, but can't deplete their supply. They must
reserve 40 hours of sick and/or vacation time.
The policy also spells out the responsibilities of the university, employee
and employee's department prior to and during a leave. For example,
tenure-eligible faculty may request an extension of their probationary
periods. Employees are responsible for developing a written leave plan that
includes details such as length of leave, plans for regular contact with
supervisor, any provision for part-time work (and equipment needs if this is
done at home). Departments coordinate coverage of the employee's duties
during the leave.
As proposed, eligibility for this policy would be extended to:
- Tenured and tenure-eligible faculty.
- Continuous P&S staff.
- Full-time adjunct and non-tenure-track faculty on at least three-year
- P&S staff on contracts of at least three years.
- P&S staff on full-time status with at least 12 months continuous
If the regents approve the policy and it is implemented, it would be
reviewed after three years for effectiveness. The policy would replace
current maternity and adoption leave policies in the P&S and faculty
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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