Inside Iowa State

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Inside Iowa State, a newspaper for faculty and staff, is published by the Office of University Relations.

Oct. 20, 2006


Campus colors

Just in time for Homecoming, the colors of fall have the Iowa State campus covered in cardinal and gold.

Town meeting

The university community is invited to a town meeting on biorenewables.

Artist rendering of expansion.

Breaking ground

Ground breaking for Vet Med's hospital expansion.

Ramp automation coming

Automated system in Memorial Union parking ramp to begin in December.

Extended deadline

The decision on whether to continue pursuing a new budget model will wait a few more weeks.

Catching them early

New academic probation policy provides early warnings to undergrads.

Carrie Wood

Carrie Wood

Fluent in sign

Sign language interpreter Carrie Wood gives students equal access to education.


  • Hort Club selling apples
  • Forum on award nominations
  • Ag career day Oct. 24
  • Webcast on sustainability
  • Tearoom dinners planned
  • More announcements
Jack Payne

Jack Payne

New leader

Jack Payne aims to make "Extension" a household word.

Research returns

Millions given by ISURF for research and economic development.

Dining director

Nancy Levandowski is ISU's new dining director.

91-year-old corn plot

Historic research plot

A historic research plot was recently named for the two agronomists who started it all ... 91 years ago.

Where's Bob

Where's Bob?

Do you know where university photographer Bob Elbert found this tropical oasis?

Name change

Faculty Senate advises on name change for health and human performance.

Nominations sought

Nominees sought for equality award.

Energy savings drop

High consumption, exemptions at the root of declining energy savings.

Mira Engler

Presidential lecture

Landscape architect Mira Engler will talk about critical design Nov. 6.

Ban on tobacco discussed

The P&S Council discusses a new motion to ban tobacco use on campus.

Blitz build

Student volunteers build a Habitat for Humanity home.

Arts & Events

Eerie campanile

Spooky fun

University Museums will sponsor a Haunted Iowa State walk Oct. 25

Disability Awareness

Demonstrations, discussions, performances part of awareness week.



Jaye Stefani.