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April 30, 2004

Regents approve promotions, tenure for 57 faculty members

At its April 21 meeting, the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, approved promotions and/or tenure for 57 faculty members beginning in the 2004-05 academic year. Following is the approved list:

College of Agriculture
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): William Batchelor, agricultural and biosystems engineering; Jeffery Iles, horticulture; John Lawrence, economics; Gregory Miller, agricultural education and studies; Mark Westgate, agronomy; and Xiao-Bing Yang, plant pathology.

  • Promotion to professor (collaborator without tenure): Brian Nonnecke, animal science.

  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Stuart Birrell, agricultural and biosystems engineering; Kathleen Delate, horticulture; Lance Gibson, agronomy; Brent Hueth, economics; Elisabeth Huff-Lonergan, animal science; Steven Lonergan, animal science; Aubrey Mendonca, food science and human nutrition; Kevin Schalinske, food science and human nutrition; and Janette Thompson, natural resource ecology and management.
College of Business
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): Arnold Cowan, finance; and Clyde Walter, logistics, operations and management information systems.

  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Danny Johnson, logistics, operations and management information systems; and Yoshinori Suzuki, logistics, operations and management information systems.

  • Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Anthony Townsend, logistics, operations and management information systems.
College of Design
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): Steven Herrnstadt, art and design.

  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: April Katz, art and design.
College of Education
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): Jackie Blount, curriculum and instruction.

  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Patricia Leigh, curriculum and instruction; and Sarah Lubienski, curriculum and instruction.
College of Engineering
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): Brian Gleeson, materials science and engineering; and James Oliver, mechanical engineering.

  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Kenneth Bryden, mechanical engineering; and Sigurdur Olafsson, industrial and manufacturing systems engineering.

  • Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Jien Morris Chang, electrical and computer engineering; and Brent Shanks, chemical engineering.
College of Family and Consumer Sciences
  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Terri Boylston, food science and human nutrition; James Campbell, apparel, educational studies and hospitality management; and Grace Marquis, food science and human nutrition.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): Janice Buss, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; Madeleine Henry, foreign languages and literatures; William Jenks, chemistry; Mary Sawyer, philosophy and religious studies; Yeon-Kyun Shin, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; and Donald Simonson, music.

  • Promotion to associate professor with tenure: Sharon Bird, sociology; Brett Bowles, foreign languages and literatures; James Cochran, physics and astronomy; Gloria Culver, biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology; Domenico D'Alessandro, mathematics; Oleg Emanouilov, mathematics; Heimir Geirsson, philosophy and religious studies; Alfred Tat-Kei Ho, political science; Lee Honeycutt, English; Xueyu Song, chemistry; and Tin-Shi Tam, music.

  • Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Xiaoqui Huang, computer science.
  • Tenure without promotion (as associate professor): Lorraine Pellack and Rebecca Jackson.
College of Veterinary Medicine
  • Promotion to professor (already tenured): Anumantha Kanthasamy, biomedical sciences; and Patrick Halbur, veterinary diagnostic and production animal medicine.

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