April 30, 2004
Communications excellence
Iowa State communicators captured 10 awards in the annual peer-judged
competition sponsored by the Council for the Advancement and Support of
Education, District VI. The awards recognize excellence in areas such as
writing, publication design, graphic design, Web site design, special events
and institutional relations. Receiving awards were:
- President Gregory Geoffroy and John Anderson, University Relations:
gold, speech writing: ISU Extension 100th anniversary celebration
- Carole Gieseke, ISU Alumni Association (Visions magazine): gold,
opinion/column writing: "How does my garden grow?" summer 2003; gold,
feature story: "Alumni Chronicles" winter 2003; and bronze: opinion/column
writing: "Turning the page" winter 2003
- Jim Heemstra, for ISU Alumni Association: bronze: series of
photographs: "Alumni Chronicles" portraits, Visions magazine, winter 2003
- Inside Iowa State, University Relations: bronze: internal audience
tabloid or newsletter (overall quality)
- Office of University Marketing: silver: president's or annual report
(overall quality): Plant Sciences Institute 2002 annual report; silver:
series of photographs: Plant Sciences Institute 2002 annual report, by Bob
Elbert, university photographer; silver: poster (graphic design: 4 or more
colors): human computer interaction graduate program poster; and bronze:
publication cover (graphic design): University Museums' Grant Wood exhibit
Early career awards
Nicola Pohl, assistant professor of chemistry, and Jin Tian, assistant
professor of computer science, have received Faculty Early Career Awards
from the National Science Foundation. Pohl will use her $510,000 award to
look at the differences in carbohydrate binding and catalysis between the
three major life forms. Tian will use his $455,00 award to will address
fundamental issues in causal reasoning, or the relationship between cause
and effect. His long-range goal is to develop theoretical foundations that
will facilitate the building of intelligent systems, or robots, that can
operate autonomously.
Board member
Karen Zunkel, director of the Program for Women in Science and Engineering,
has been elected to the board of directors of the Women in Engineering
Programs and Advocate Network (WEPAN). Zunkel will be director of membership
for WEPAN, a non-profit, international educational organization.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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