April 6, 2004
Council likes president-elect option
by Anne Krapfl
The Professional and Scientific Council took the first step April 2 toward
replacing its president-vice president leadership structure with a
president-president elect. The council unanimously passed a motion in
support of the change. The next step is to identify language changes
necessary in the P&S Constitution and by-laws to recognize and implement
the change. P&S employees need to approve, by a two-thirds majority,
changes to the constitution.
The president-elect option, which the Faculty Senate uses, essentially
creates a one-year training period for the council's next president.
Currently, there is no expectation that the vice president will either seek
or be elected to, the council presidency.
As approved, the president and president-elect would become non-voting
members of the council, no longer representing the areas from which they
were elected. During the March election of his or her presidential year, the
president would be eligible for election to an open seat again.
In other council business, winners were announced in the council's March
election. Four incumbents and 10 new council members were elected. There
were tie votes for the last two open seats (one each in student affairs and
business and finance), and runoff elections are scheduled for April 8-15 for
employees in those areas only. New members will be seated at the June
council meeting.
2004 elected council members
Academic affairs: Christine Deal, biotechnology; Kevin Kane* AIT;
Nancy Knight, electrical and computer engineering; Michael Miller, College
of Design; Malisa Rader, human development and family studies; Camille Sloan
Schroeder, College of Engineering.
Business and finance: Dan Woodin* ATS; runoff winner
Extension: Del Marks* continuing education and communication
services, Dale Miller, Marion County.
External affairs: Scott Dahl, ISU Alumni Association
IPRT/Ames Lab: Mark Nelson*, Chris Strasburg
Student affairs: Todd Herriott, disability resources office; Penny
Rice, women's center; runoff winner.
*council incumbent
The council's next meeting begins at 2 p.m. Thursday, May 6, in the Memorial
Union Pioneer Room. A noon open forum in the same location will feature
current and past programs that received student recruitment and retention
grants. Details will be announced later this month.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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