April 16, 2004
Forum on college combination planning
A second forum on planning for the combination of the colleges of Education
and Family and Consumer Sciences, designed for the faculty and staff in
those colleges, will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, in the
Memorial Union Campanile Room. The first forum for FCS and Education staff
and faculty was held April 12. The forums are sponsored by the planning
committee assigned to develop a plan for combining the two colleges;
committee members will lead the forum. Refreshments provided.
Bike auction is April 22
ISU Surplus' annual bike auction begins at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 22, in the
grassy area south of the purchasing warehouse. View bikes from 3 to 5 p.m.
Sales are cash or check only. In case of rain, the auction will be held
April 23.
Protect your hearing
International Noise Awareness Day is April 28. Information and samples of
hearing protection will be available in G11 TASF from 1 to 4 p.m.
Occupational medicine staff will be answer questions, and provide tips for
protecting your hearing and help you decide if you may have a hearing
Tenure and children
The second in a series of forums sponsored by a Faculty Senate committee to
bring newly hired and recently tenured women and minority faculty together
to discuss promotion and tenure issues will begin at noon Thursday, April
22, in 1155 Jischke. Discussion will center on "Tenure and the Art of
Balancing Children and Service." For more information, contact Connie Post,
Honors poster presentation April 28
The spring 2004 poster presentation of graduating Honors students' Honors
projects will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 28, in the
Memorial Union Great Hall. Refreshments will be served.
Hall of fame unveiled
The department of aerospace engineering will honor five alumni when it
unveils its "Hall of Fame" during a 9:30 a.m. presentation Monday, April 19,
on the first floor in Howe Hall. A reception will follow outside the
auditorium. Wall-mounted plaques will recognize outstanding graduates who
have brought honor to the program and university through professional
achievements. The first inductees are:
- Arthur Bryson, professor emeritus at Stanford University
- Vance Coffman, chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin
- Kevin Petersen, director of NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
- John Yardley, senior vice president of McDonnell Douglas Corp., who
will be honored posthumously
- Thorton "T.A." Wilson, former chairman of the board of directors of the
Boeing Co., who will be honored posthumously
Pagans and Jews discussed
Erich Gruen, a world-renowned scholar of Greek and Roman history and Jews in
the Greco-Roman world, will discuss "Pagans and Jews: The Roots of
Anti-Semitism?" beginning at 4:10 p.m. Wednesday, April 21, in the Memorial
Union Oak Room. A reception will follow. Gruen is a professor of history and
classics at the University of California, Berkeley.
Place Central Stores orders on the Web
Via AccessPlus, Central Stores now has a Web-based ordering system. You can
browse the catalog using the word search function and also place non-stock
orders. Delivery is free. Sign up by calling Mona Wilson, 4-0403, e-mail: mywilso@iastate.edu.
Flexible hours at break time, summer, become policy
Flexible work periods during the summer and winter and spring breaks have
succeeded at saving energy and operations costs during times of lower
activity on campus and providing relief for employees working in warm
offices during the summer. The tight budget outlook has prompted university
officials to continue the flexible hours program for the foreseeable future.
The use of flexible hours during these periods is voluntary. Employees who
don't wish to use flexible hours need not do so. Those who do must follow
established policies for using vacation, leave without pay and compensatory
time. Questions regarding leave usage should be directed to Human Resource
Services. Details of the new policy are online at
- Donald Draper, University professor of biomedical sciences and
interim associate dean since January 2003, to associate dean for academic
and student affairs in the College of Veterinary Medicine, effective April
Distinguished Awards Celebration
4:15 p.m. Friday, April 16
Memorial Union Sun Room
The new university event will feature the presentation of the ISU Alumni
Association's Distinguished Achievement Citation and Honorary Alumnus award,
and the ISU Foundation's three Order of the Knoll awards. The campus
community is invited.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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