March 12, 2004
Speakers discuss Wood exhibit
Grant Wood's "The Good Influence," 1936. Photo by
Bob Elbert. Reproduced with permission of the Easton
Press. |
If you haven't made it to the "Grant Wood's Main Street" exhibit at the
Brunnier Art Museum, March is a great time to do so.
The Museum Speaker Series (2 p.m. Sundays in the Brunnier) is devoted to the
On March 21, Jane Milosch, curator of the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, will
discuss Wood's wry humor and psychological insight, coupled with his expert
design and drawing skills. These came together in his character portraits,
often of acquaintances of friends. These Iowans served as archetypes for a
number of his works.
Milosch's talk is titled "Grant Wood's Portraits: From 5 Turner Alley to
Main Street."
On March 28, Wanda Corn and Lea Rosson DeLong will give a curatorial slant
on the exhibit. Corn is professor of art and art history at Stanford
University, and DeLong is guest curator and essayist for the exhibit.
Corn will discuss Wood's background and his role in American art. DeLong
will focus on Wood's Main Street illustrations and the influence
these drawings had in the context of Wood's artistic career.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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