February 27, 2004
Apply for research intern funding
Applications for the 2004-05 Undergraduate Research Assistantship program
are due April 2. The program's aim is to encourage juniors and seniors to
consider graduate school. They are matched with faculty and receive hands-on
experience in a formal research environment. The faculty sponsor pays 30
percent of the wages and the College Work Study Program funds 70 percent.
Faculty interested in participating should complete an application found at
this Web site:
For more information, contact Julie Arnold, 4-0103, e-mail:
Brown sisters' visit canceled
Linda and Cheryl Brown, whose parents were plaintiffs in the Brown vs. Board
of Education case, have canceled their March 5 visit due to a scheduling
conflict. Instead, Terrence Roberts, one of the "Little Rock Nine," will
share experiences and suggest lessons learned from the chaotic integration
of Little Rock's Central H.S. Roberts was one of nine students who
integrated the school in 1957. His talk begins at 7 p.m. in Memorial Union
Great Hall.
Cholesterol screening through March 6
Cholesterol screening will be available at the student health center through
March 6. Cost is $10 and a 12-hour fast (water only) prior to testing is
required. Screening is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Wednesday only) and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday.
Workshop on Fulbright opportunities in 2005-06
Learn more about Fulbright Scholar Award opportunities for faculty and
professionals to lecture or conduct research abroad in 2005-06 during a
workshop from 10 a.m. to noon March 3 in the Memorial Union Oak Room.
Download information from
Walkup lecture is March 4
Candace Yano, professor in industrial engineering and operations research at
the University of California, Berkeley, will present the Joseph K. Walkup
Distinguished Lecture in Industrial Engineering at 3 p.m. Thursday, March 4,
in the Howe Hall auditorium. Her topic is "product offering, pricing and
make-to-stock/ make-to-order decisions with shared capacity." A 2:30 p.m.
reception outside the auditorium will precede the lecture.
PH.D. ranking project postponed again
The National Research Council project to rank Ph.D. programs, postponed
earlier this year, has been pushed back again so NRC officials can raise
funds for the undertaking. The latest NRC timeline calls for data collection
to begin in July 2005, with the final ranking report to be released in
September 2007. An ISU committee has been working on ISU data collection for
the next NRC ranking project for a number of months. Information about the
committee's work and the NRC ranking process are available on the Web
Change AccessPlus PIN to password
The option to change your AccessPlus PIN to a password is now in effect. Log
in to AccessPlus to make the change, which will help strengthen AccessPlus
data security. More information is on the Web
Postal workshops in March
A workshop on "Working with Postal and Parcel Services" will be given twice
in March -- March 23 and 25. The workshop will be held from 1:15 to 3:15
p.m. in the large conference room in the General Services Building. Register
online through AccessPlus
Click the
"employee" tab and go to the professional development section.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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