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Inside Iowa State
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February 13, 2004

Strategic planning offers a chance to dream about the future

by Diana Pounds
Over the next few months, President Gregory Geoffroy hopes you'll find some time to set aside the "to-do" list for the day and think about the big picture at Iowa State.

One of the best things about the strategic planning cycle, which recently began anew at Iowa State, is "the opportunity for all of us to get involved in dreaming about what the future of this university can be," Geoffroy said.

"I hope everyone on this campus will do some dreaming, with a good dose of reality, and help us develop a plan to make this great university even better."

The newly formed strategic planning committee will ask faculty, staff and students for much input as the plan takes shape over the coming months.

"I hope many members of the campus community will respond," Geoffroy said.

Geoffroy and vice president for academic affairs and provost Benjamin Allen, who will lead development of the strategic plan, shared their thoughts on the plan with the strategic planning committee during its first meeting Jan. 31.

Sharpening the focus
Both agreed that the current plan is good on concepts, but somewhat short on specifics.

"The next plan must sharpen the university's focus," Allen said. "It likely will guide growth in some areas and pruning in others."

The plan should guide future budget decisions, Allen added. "Budget dollars should follow the plan, rather than the plan following the budget dollars." Geoffroy suggested the next plan aim to:
  • Improve the undergraduate experience, including strengthening opportunities for high-ability students and students who want to be entrepreneurs, and increasing student involvement in faculty research and scholarship.
  • Advance academic excellence by strengthening programs that have the potential to be world class, raising more academic programs to top levels nationally, and enhancing graduate education.
  • Maintain the enrollment base, despite a projected decline in Iowa high school graduates.
  • Create a more diverse campus that is inviting, welcoming and supportive of all members of the community.
  • Adjust to reduced state budget support by sharpening the university's focus.
  • Determine how Iowa State can best serve Iowans in the future.
Who we are
Geoffroy asked the committee to keep in mind "who we are." He characterized Iowa State as a university with a strong land-grant tradition, a focus on science and technology, and membership in the Association of American Universities, the most prestigious grouping of research universities.

Geoffroy also shared his perception of Iowa State's future as a university that:
  • Maintains its traditional strength in science and technology and stays true to its motto of "science with practice."
  • Projects itself as a modern research university nationally and internationally while maintaining its historic land-grant mission to serve local communities.
  • Recruits students, faculty and staff from national and international pools, with the goal of retaining excellence in these constituencies.
  • Offers rigorous and challenging curricula that require students' best efforts
  • Prizes an institutional culture of diversity. The next strategic plan will guide university activities from 2005 through 2010. It will be drafted over the remainder of the calendar year and submitted to the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, in December.
Next steps
Over the next few weeks, the strategic planning committee will review the university's statements that describe its mission, vision, values and priorities, and suggest changes. During its first meeting, the committee identified features of each document that should be retained as well as areas that need improvement.

The strategic planning Web site,, includes:
  • The university's current set of statements and planning documents.
  • Minutes from the Jan. 31 meeting, including the committee's comments.
  • Roster of committee members.
Your input sought
The committee invites faculty, staff, students, alumni and friends of the university to offer their views about the current documents by Feb. 20. This input will assist the committee in revising these documents and preparing drafts for review by the university community. Comments can be sent to: The university community is encouraged to offer suggestions and comments throughout the process.

Meetings of the strategic planning committee will be open to the public. Watch Inside Iowa State for announcements of meeting times.

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