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Inside Iowa State
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February 13, 2004


Budget forum is Feb. 24
The P&S Council will sponsor a public forum on the university budget from noon to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 24, in the Memorial Union Gallery. Mark Chidister, assistant to the president for budget planning and analysis, and assistant provost Ellen Rasmussen will provide an update on the planning process and respond to questions.

Gerdin dedication is Feb. 20
The College of Business officially will dedicate its new home, the Gerdin Business Building, during a 10 a.m. program Friday, Feb. 20, in the Stark Lecture Hall, main floor of the building. The campus community is invited. Self-guided tours will run from 8:30 to 10 a.m. and following the program until 1 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The building is named for donors Russ and Ann Gerdin, Coralville.

ISCORE set for March 5
Registration is open for the 5th annual Iowa State Conference on Race and Ethnicity (ISCORE), to be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, March 5, in the Memorial Union. Modeled after an annual national conference, ISCORE provides a forum to examine issues of race and ethnicity on campus and beyond. All ISU staff, students and faculty are invited. Registration for those who wish to attend the free luncheon is due by Feb. 28. Registration materials are online at

PIN to password
Beginning Feb. 18, you will have the option to change your AccessPlus PIN to a password. A password login will strengthen AccessPlus data security for both personal data and ISU data. To complete the change, log in to

Nominate a great secretary
The Veishea committee, which traditionally honors a "Faculty/Staff Member of the Year" at its awards ceremony, will add a new honor this year -- "Secretary of the Year." Faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate (as soon as possible) secretaries for the honor. The nomination form is at

Adviser sought for baseball club
The Iowa State baseball club seeks a new adviser, beginning now and taking over in May. The club competes against teams in surrounding states and also plays an intramural schedule. Home games are played at Cap Timm Field. For details, contact club president Jake Reichling, 268-1695, e-mail:; or current adviser Tom Emmerson, who will retire in May, 4-0494, e-mail:

Panel to discuss student mental health concerns
A panel on "Advising Students With Personal Issues: Understanding Mental Health Concerns" will be held from 3:15 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Panelists will discuss common mental and emotional disabilities experienced by Iowa State students and highlight campus resources available to help students. Panel members are Bea Awoniyi and Todd Herriott, disability resources; student Anna Gilbertson; Michelle Hall and Mark Becker, student counseling services; and Mark Shulman, Thielen student health center.

Storm awareness training offered
Meteorologist Jason Parkin, KCCI-TV, will be the featured presenter during a storm-spotter awareness training from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 17, in 2050 Agronomy. Those who work outdoors especially are encouraged to attend. The training will include a video, slides and basic information on severe weather dangers, including lightning and tornadoes. To register, contact environmental health and safety, 4-2193, or e-mail: CTE newsletter online
The latest edition of the Center for Teaching Excellence's newsletter is online now. Read it at

The elimination of the office of the vice provost for undergraduate programs, announced as part of FY04 mid-year budget cuts in the Jan. 30 issue of Inside Iowa State, will take effect on July 1. The decision to eliminate the office was made as a result of FY04 mid-year cuts, but the actual financial savings will not be realized until FY05.

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