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January 30, 2004

Feedback sought on surcharge idea

by Linda Charles
Officials are seeking feedback from campus groups and individuals on a proposed surcharge on regulated materials. In addition, they have developed a Web site with details on the proposed surcharge

Federal, state and local government agencies require proper handling and disposal of regulated materials, many of which are used at Iowa State. Regulated materials include chemicals, radioactive materials, biohazardous agents and toxins used in research. They also include art supplies, batteries, electronic equipment, computer hardware, laboratory equipment and supplies, medical supplies and petroleum products.

The proposed surcharge would help pay for a new waste disposal facility, approved by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa. Under the proposal, central funding would provide $4 million of the $10 million projected cost of the new facility. The remaining $6 million has been financed by a bond issue. The surcharge would be discontinued when the bonds are retired.

Johnny Pickett, ISU controller, and David Inyang, director of environmental health and safety, are contacting such campus groups as the Fiscal Officers Roundtable, CURIA (research administrators council), Faculty Senate, P&S Council, Dean's Council and the Department Chairs Council to schedule times to discuss the proposed surcharge. Individuals may send questions, comments and suggestions about the surcharge to Pickett (4-6218,

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