January 16, 2004
Student presentation to highlight diversity lunch
by Anne Krapfl
Student presentations that interpret U.S. Supreme Court decisions on
race as a consideration in access to education will highlight the first
President's Dialogue on Diversity of spring semester. The event will be held
from 1 to 2 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. It will
be preceded by a buffet lunch and table discussions beginning at noon in the
Great Hall.
The court cases students have been asked to reflect on are Brown vs. the
Board of Education of Topeka, Kan. (May 1954), which ended racial
segregation in public schools, and two cases against the University of
Michigan (its law school and undergraduate college of literature, science
and the arts) for admissions policies that gave advantage to minority
students in the name of more diverse classrooms. The court announced
decisions in the Michigan cases last June.
The top three submissions in a competition coordinated by the Government of
the Student Body will be presented and awarded during the Feb. 5. program.
Teams of students may produce skits, posters, poetry, short stories,
paintings, Power-Point presentations, slogans or video or audio recordings.
Submissions are due Jan. 26 and will be judged on the originality of the
work, significance to one of the court cases and the diversity of the team
that creates them.
During an optional luncheon, participants will use questions prepared for
each table to guide their small group discussion about events and outcomes
related to the Supreme Court cases. President Gregory Geoffroy will give a
short welcome during this portion of the diversity dialogue.
Registration is requested for the lunch portion of the program only; faculty
and staff may register via AccessPlus (click on "prof dvlp rgstr," "search
courses" and type in "diversity"). Students may register through the GSB
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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