January 16, 2004
Lunch with Cyclone basketball coaches
Cyclone head basketball coaches Wayne Morgan and Bill Fennelly will hold
monthly luncheons for ISU employees later this month. Morgan will visit with
faculty and staff beginning at noon Thursday, Jan. 22, in the Memorial Union
Sun Room. Fennelly's next lunch with staff and faculty begins at noon
Monday, Jan. 26, also in the Sun Room. Pack your lunch or purchase one in
the food court and visit with the coach about his team and program.
Mentors sought for summer PWSE programs
The Program for Women in Science and Engineering (PWSE) will accept
applications through Jan. 27 for its 2004 summer intern programs for current
high school juniors and for undergraduates. PWSE also seeks ISU faculty and
staff to serve as research mentors for the programs. Applications and
additional information are on the PWSE Web site, http://www.pwse.iastate.edu.
Campus climate survey begins Jan. 19
An online survey that will gauge the campus climate for inclusiveness of
diverse groups opens Jan. 19 and runs through Feb. 13. Approximately 8,300
faculty, staff and students will receive an e-mail inviting them to complete
the survey. The purpose is to gather data for a campus master plan on
diversity. The project is coordinated by a subcommittee of the President's
Advisory Committee on Diversity and involves consultant Susan Rankin.
Financial aid procedures conference set
Faculty and staff will get an update on financial aid procedures and program
changes at the annual student financial aid mini-conference from 8:15 to
11:50 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 29, in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. Financial
aid officials also will seek suggestions on how to improve services on
campus. The conference is open to all faculty and staff. There is no fee,
but registration is requested (online at
United Way gifts exceed goal
The Iowa State community pledged more than $265,500 during its 2003 United
Way campaign, a record amount that surpassed the campaign goal of $264,000.
A year ago, $250,600 was raised on campus for United Way. The 2003 total
includes a record level of donations, more than $33,000, for Habitat for
Humanity. Habitat funds are used to build homes for local, low-income
During a Dec. 8 campaign celebration, the Ames-ISU YMCA, YWCA of Ames-ISU
and University Community Childcare received the 100 Percent Participation
Award. Several units significantly exceeded their goals, including ISU
students, athletics department, the Agriculture, Business and Graduate
colleges, facilities planning and management, ISU Extension and research
Short foreign language courses offered
The department of foreign languages and literatures is offering short
courses in Arabic, German, Ukrainian and Spanish to faculty, staff and the
Ames community. These non-credit courses run six to eight weeks and cost
from $150 to $190. The courses provide basic and intermediate language
instruction with emphasis on the cultural context in which the languages are
spoken. For more information, call 4-4046 or go online to
C4 tours on Jan. 16
A free public tour day at the Virtual Reality Applications Center's C4
facility in Black Engineering is Friday, Jan. 16. Tours are 30 minutes long
and may be scheduled from 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. A tour may include
up to 15 people. To schedule a tour for you or a group, contact VRAC,
Student employee of the year nominees sought
The Student Employment Center is accepting applications through Feb. 13 for
the 2004 Student Employee of the Year Award, which recognizes the excellent
student workers on campus. Nominees must work part-time on campus for a
minimum of six months between June 1, 2003, and May 31. Nomination
information and a form are online at
Questions may be directed to Julie Arnold, 4-0103, 0410 Beardshear.
Motherhood conference Feb. 7
A conference on "Motherhood in a Changing World" will be held Saturday, Feb.
7, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Coffee will be served at 8:30 a.m.
and sessions run from 9 a.m., with a night session from 6 to 8 p.m.
Registration is not necessary unless you need childcare (Leslie Bloom,
4-3498, blooml@iastate.edu) or lunch (Yalem Teshome, 4-4640,
teshomey@iastate.edu). Those registrations are due Feb. 1. More
information about the conference is online at
Workshop on expense accounts
ISU Training and Development is offering a workshop, "How to Know if
Expenses are Allowable," from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 22, in 1155
ASB. It will include guidelines for the different funding sources and define
allowable and appropriate ISU expenditures. Register online via AccessPlus
("professional development registration").
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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