May 23, 2003
Online garden tours.
Reiman in bloom all summer long
Flowers all summer
It's peony season at Reiman Gardens. More than 100 varieties of peonies at
the gardens will be at their prime until early June. Ed Moran (pictured),
Reiman Gardens ag specialist, says prime rose season is next. While the
roses will be at their peak the first half of June, most will continue to
bloom all summer. Photo by Bob Elbert. |
by Linda Charles
There will be blooms aplenty at Reiman Gardens this summer, everything from
peonies and roses to water lilies and native grasses. Different weeks will
mean different flowers are at their peak. Ed Moran, ag specialist at the
gardens, offers the following guide for finding your favorite flower in full
Now is the time to see more than 100 varieties of peonies at Reiman Gardens.
Some of the peonies are rare and were developed in the 1940s. Peonies
normally start opening Mother's Day weekend, although the cool weather this
spring has slowed them a bit. The prime time to view the peonies, including
the unusual Yellow Heaven, is mid-May to the beginning of June.
Roses peak the first and second week of June, although they bloom all
summer. The gardens boast about 2,000 rose plants, representing 254
varieties. Reiman Gardens received the All-America Rose Selections
President's Award in 2001. The award is given annually to one public garden
that surpasses the organization's high standards for rose care and
The rose gardens contain many commercially available roses, such as
floribundas, grandifloras and hybrid tea roses. There are more than 70 Buck
roses, which were developed by Griffith Buck, a horticulture professor at
Iowa State from 1948 to 1985. Buck roses were bred to survive the cold
Midwest winters and resist common rose diseases. Also on display in the
gardens are All-America Rose Selection winners and about 25 varieties of
antique roses. The antique roses tend to bloom earlier than other roses, and
many only bloom once. The peak viewing time for the antique roses is the end
of May.
Water lilies
Not much happens in the water gardens until June because water temperatures
must be at least 70 degrees before the plants can be put in. Among the
plants you'll find in Lake Helen are hardy and tropical plants, like
papyrus, reeds and lotus. You'll also find the Victoria water lily, which
has six-foot leaves. A couple of the lilies only bloom at night.
Home landscapes
The Town and Country Garden is designed for viewing all season. The 12
gardens showcase different designs and solutions for homes. There, you will
find front and back yard gardens, a shade garden and a formal lawn garden,
to name a few. The home production garden, featuring culinary, medicinal and
fragrant herbs, peaks mid- to late summer.
The popular herb garden is ripe for viewing from early summer on.
With 190 varieties, you can find an annual at its peak almost any time over
the summer. Among the annuals are cannas, coleus, floss flowers, Egyptian
star clusters and butterfly plants.
The gardens also boast a wide selection of perennials, including several
varieties of grasses. The grasses tend to bloom in late summer or early
fall. There also are a variety of wild flowers, which bloom throughout the
It's probably too late to see many of the spring bulbs in bloom. You can
find them next year in early April through the first part of May.
Indoor plants
The conservatory has rotating displays of plants. From May 19 to Aug. 25,
the conservatory will be decked out like Lake LaVerne, complete with
Lancelot and Elaine topiaries. Orchids will be featured near the end of
August, and late October will bring a chrysanthemum display.
The indoor butterfly wing is always stocked, but here's a tip: The best time
to see the butterflies is on a sunny day after a cloudy day. Nectar plants
start producing lots of nectar on such days, which in turn, causes a lot of
activity among the butterflies.
Admission to Reiman Gardens is $5 for adults, $4.50 for those 65 and older,
$3 for children 4 to 17 years old, and free for children 3 years and
younger, members of CoHorts and ISU students. The gardens are open from 9
a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday
through Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday. The conservatory and
butterfly wing is closed Mondays.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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