December 13, 2002
Moon may hold secrets of origins of life on Earth
Guillermo Gonzalez thinks the moon holds secrets about the Earth's origin.
Photo by Bob Elbert.
by Skip Derra
As any agent will tell you, there are three basic principles in real estate:
location, location, location. With that in mind, Guillermo Gonzalez, an
assistant professor of physics and astronomy, would like to grab hold of
some property on the moon and begin prospecting, because he believes there
are some real treasures up there.
It isn't gold Gonzalez is looking for. Nor is it diamonds. Gonzalez is
looking for pieces of Earth on the moon, valuable pieces of Earth that could
hold clues to its past and to the origins of life. Now he wants to go there
to prove it.
"Terran (from Earth) meteorites on the moon may provide a substantive
geological record for ancient Earth, corresponding to or predating the
period of the earliest evidence of life," Gonzalez said.
"There are very few places you can go on this planet that preserve the clues
to the origin of life because of Earth's geologic activity," Gonzalez said.
Rain, wind, tides, plate tectonics and other natural forces have largely
eroded many clues Earth may have held.
Clues on the moon
That fact got Gonzalez and his collaborators -- John Armstrong and Llyd
Wells of the astrobiology program at the University of Washington, Seattle
-- thinking that some clues may exist elsewhere. They chose the moon because
of its location.
When the planets formed some 3.8 billion years ago, the solar system was a
much wilder place than it is today. The early planets were continually
bombarded by asteroids and meteorites. Some of these impacts were so great
and so devastating that they'd jar relatively large pieces of Earth and
throw them up in the air with enough force to escape its atmosphere and
The moon, much closer to Earth than it is today, was in a prime location to
sweep up some of the debris. It also likely gained debris from the other
inner solar system planets Mercury, Venus and Mars.
"The moon is the perfect collector of debris," Gonzalez said. "It is roughly
in the middle (of the inner planets) so it collected debris ejected from the
inner planets and it preserves them. The moon has no atmosphere. No
hydrological cycles. So whatever gets there, gets preserved."
This, Gonzalez said, makes the moon Earth's dusty old attic, a sort of
deep-freeze repository for relics of the terrestrial dawn. Gonzalez and his
colleagues recently published a paper in Icarus, an international
journal of solar system science, in which they calculated the concentration
of Terran meteorites that could be on the moon.
The moon could contain as much as 20 tons of Terran meteorites in the top
one-half inch of a typical lunar area of about 40 square miles, Gonzalez
said. These materials could contain geochemical and biological information
such as isotopic signatures, organic carbon, biologically derived molecules
and minerals and maybe even microbial fossils, he added.
Help from roving robots
To test the theory, Gonzalez first would like to go through the 800 or so
pounds of lunar rock and dust that were brought back during the
Apollo missions of the 1960s and 70s to see if they hold any Terran
material. He estimates that as much as 3 grams of Terran material could be
present in these samples.
If these samples do contain Terran material, it could be enticing enough to
make the case to return to the moon -- this time to search for ancient dust
particles, or a small rock or two, that came from Earth long before the time
of humans, or even dinosaurs.
Gonzalez said recovering these materials would require roving robots on the
lunar surface and an intelligent way of determining exactly where to look.
He prefers looking in and near smallish craters and the rilles -- long,
sharp lines or faults.
These areas could expose what has been hidden just beneath the lunar
surface, buried just deep enough so the samples wouldn't have been degraded
by the constant rain of micrometeorites that "sandblasts" the rocks on the
lunar surface.
Spectral detection methods could be developed that would lead to the most
promising areas to prospect on the moon, Gonzalez said. He suggests looking
for minerals that require water to form, an attribute that would stick out
on the dry, dusty lunar surface.
Life in the universe
Gonzalez's primary research emphasis is on "extrasolar planets" and
developing spectral methods for locating stars that are most likely to have
planets orbiting them.
"I'm interested in questions about life in the universe," he said. The
research with the moon has several life-type components. Could life have
been transferred from planet to planet during the early solar system? Could
Earth have been sterilized by one really huge impact and then "re-seeded"
with life as fragments fell back to the planet?
In addition to his work with extrasolar planets, Gonzalez has done research
on galactic habitable zones, areas in the universe that are conducive to
life. All of his work is fueled by his passion for astronomy, which he fell
in love with as a child "because it's a beautiful science."
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