November 22, 2002
Proposals sought
Women's History Month will be celebrated on campus during March 2003. The
Women's History Month planning committee is seeking proposals for programs
during the month. The theme will be "Women's History: And the World is
Changing." For more information, contact Shea Rentschler, 4-4154 or
Auction benefits scholarship
Items autographed by Cyclone celebrities, art, antiques and more are offered
in an online auction (which runs through Nov. 24). Proceeds will fund a
scholarship in memory of Iowa State student Alison Ciancio, an animal
science pre-veterinary medicine sophomore, who died last January. Auction
items may be found online at
Rome study tour planned
A 12-day study tour of Rome, available to alumni and friends, will be held
June 30 to July 12. ISU art historian John Cunnally and other Design College
faculty will lead the tour of the Roman Forum, Pompeii, catacombs, St.
Peter's Basilica, Sistine Chapel and Coliseum. The cost is $1,800 (doesn't
include airfare to Rome or meals). More information is online at
Awards deadline Dec. 1
The deadline for submitting nominations for the Alumni Association's Faculty
Citation, Superior Service Award and Wallace E. Barron All-University Senior
Award is Dec. 1. For more information, contact Pat Thiede, 4-9515, or check
online at
Brown bag lunch planned
The Margaret Sloss Women's Center's "Brown Bag Lunch and Lecture" will be
held from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 4, in the Memorial Union
Cardinal Room. Dr. Bonnie Beer, obstetrics/gynecology at McFarland Clinic,
will give a talk titled "Menopausal Hormone Therapy: An Individual Choice."
Reservations are not necessary. For more information, contact the women's
center at 4-4154.
Art work to be shrouded
Students from a University Museums class and museum staff will shroud six
art works on campus from 6:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 2, in
recognition of International AIDS Day, Day without Art, celebrated globally
on Dec. 1. Works of art are shrouded to remember those who have died from
AIDS and raise awareness about the epidemic and symbolize what life would be
without art. Art shrouded on campus will be the Air Spiral at Student
Services Building; Shoulders of Giants, Left-Sided Angel and Forward at
Parks Library; Border Crossing near LeBaron Hall; and the Fountain of the
Four Seasons at the Memorial Union.
ISU exceeds United Way goal
Iowa State employees pledged $246,177 (as of Nov. 8) to the United Way
campus campaign, exceeding the $241,500 goal by 2 percent and besting last
year's campaign by nearly $11,000. United Way of Story County distributes
funds to 33 partner agencies. Carol Meeks, dean of the College of Family and
Consumer Sciences, was this year's campus campaign chair.
UCW celebrates Title IX
The University Committee on Women will celebrate Title IX with discounted
tickets and a reception during the women's basketball Cyclone Classic at
Hilton Coliseum on Dec. 14. Iowa State will play High Point beginning at 5
p.m. and Colgate will face off against Centenary at 7:30 p.m. (The
consolation game will be at 5 p.m. and championship game at 7:30 p.m. on
Saturday, Dec. 15.)
As part of its celebration, UCW is offering game tickets for $5 for adults
and $3 for those under age 18 (usual costs are $10 and $5). Tickets provide
admission to both games and to a UCW reception (location to be announced)
held between the games. Tickets also may be donated to Ames community youth.
To purchase tickets, send a check payable to Iowa State University to: UCW
c/o C.R. Espinoza, 1350 Beardshear. Designate on the check if the tickets
are to be donated. Tickets will be mailed or delivered. An online order form
is at:
Geoffroy on Talk of Iowa
President Gregory Geoffroy will be a guest on WOI Radio's Talk of
Iowa at 10 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 26. Questions may be sent in advance by
e-mail to
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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