November 8, 2002
Three provost finalists to visit campus
by Diana Pounds
Three finalists have been named in the search for a vice president for
academic affairs and provost at Iowa State.
The finalists are:
Nancy Smith Barrett, provost and vice president for academic affairs at the
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa; Terry S. King, dean of the College of
Engineering at Kansas State University, Manhattan; and Gary S. Krahenbuhl,
senior vice president at Arizona State University, Tempe.
Over the next two weeks, each candidate will visit campus for two days,
meeting with a variety of university groups.
Forum schedules
Each candidate will speak and answer questions during an open forum and a
diversity forum. Both forums are open to the campus community and general
Following are forum schedules for the candidates:
Wednesday, Nov. 13
Terry S. King
- Diversity: 9:15-10 a.m., Oak Room, Memorial Union
- Open: 1:30-3 p.m., Pioneer Room, Memorial Union.
Friday, Nov. 15
Gary S. Krahenbuhl
- Diversity: 9:15-10 a.m., Oak Room, Memorial Union
- Open: 1:30-3 p.m., 298 Carver
Wednesday, Nov. 20
Nancy Smith Barrett
- Diversity: 9:15-10 a.m., 294 Carver
- Open: 1:30-3 p.m., Pioneer Room, Memorial Union.
Forums will be videotaped and available via streaming video on the Web at
http://www.adminsearch.iastate.edu/vpaap. Finalists' vitas and
itineraries for their campus visits also are available at the Web site.
Nancy Smith Barrett
Barrett has been provost and vice president for academic affairs at the
University of Alabama since 1996. Prior to that, she served as provost and
vice president for academic affairs (1991-96) at Western Michigan
University, Kalamazoo. At Farleigh Dickinson University, she was dean
(1989-91) of the Silberman College of Business Administration, a tri-campus
college in Madison, Rutherford and Teaneck, N.J. She spent 23 years on the
faculty at American University, Washington, D.C., where she also served as
chair of the economics department, and director of the Ph.D., M.A. and B.A.
programs. She has held government posts with the Civil Aeronautics Board,
Department of Labor, President's Council of Economic Advisers, the
Carter-Mondale presidential transition team and the Congressional Budget
She received a B.A. (1963) in economics from Goucher College, Baltimore,
Md.; and M.A. (1965) and Ph.D. (1968), both in economics from Harvard
University, Cambridge, Mass.
Terry S. King
King has been dean of the College of Engineering at Kansas State since 1997.
He was on the faculty at Iowa State for 15 years, serving as chair of the
department of chemical engineering for seven of those years (1990-1997). He
also has served as a senior engineer and research engineer with Exxon
Chemical Co., Baton Rouge, La., and as a consulting engineer at Arthur D.
Little Inc., Cambridge, Mass.
King received a B.S. (1975) in chemical engineering from Iowa State and
Ph.D. (1979) in chemical engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Cambridge.
Gary S. Krahenbuhl
Krahenbuhl [pronounced "krayon byule"] has been senior vice president at
Arizona State for two years, with responsibilities involving the three
campuses, downtown center and research park. At Arizona State, he also has
served as dean (1990-2000) and associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences, chair of the department of health and physical education, and
director of the Human Performance Laboratory. He also was on faculty at the
University of Hawaii, Honolulu.
He received a B.S. (1965) and M.S. (1966), both in education from Northern
Illinois University, DeKalb, and a doctorate of education (1969) from the
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley.
Current provost
Provost Rollin Richmond left Iowa State in June 2002 to become president of
Humboldt State University, Arcata, Calif. Currently serving as provost is
Benjamin Allen, a distinguished professor in business who has served as
interim vice president for external affairs and dean of the business
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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