November 8, 2002
After five
Ever wonder where your co-workers are headed at the end of the day? This
Inside feature catches up with university employees "after five." Photo
by Bob Elbert
Name: Marie Mayer
By day, she's: Communications specialist, Academic Information
After five, she's: National trustee, past board member and life
member, American Mensa, and president, Central Iowa Mensa (an international
society for individuals who score in the top 2 percent of the population on
a standardized intelligence test).
Knew not to pick up Algebra for Dummies: When she took the
Mensa mini-test in Vogue magazine and sailed through it.
It pays to get smart: Mayer works as a Mensa trustee to award
scholarships and research grants, "the more serious side of Mensa."
Actually organized an "Egghead Open": "We're a very eclectic and
very social group. Like everyone else, we have parties and talk about sex
and chocolate and physics and cooking. What's different about Mensan
conversations is the range and depth."
So it doesn't take a rocket scientist? "Actually, I have a good
Mensan friend who was a rocket scientist on the Hubbell spacecraft. I also
have Mensan friends who are teachers and mothers and lawyers and doctors and
the best pinball repairmen in the country. Mensa has added to my life
hugely, introducing me to people and taking me to places I never would have
found on my own."
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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