October 25, 2002
New ISU directories available, old books can be recycled
The 2002-03 ISU directory is available at University Book Store for $1.
Faculty and staff can update their directory info by signing onto the
AccessPlus Web site. For updates to the administration/departments section
of the directory, contact the telecommunications office.
Volunteers will pick up old phone books (such as the ISU directory,
McLeodUSA and Qwest) for recycling again this year. You can help by putting
books in the collection spot in your building or by volunteering to help
with the Dec. 7 pickup. Last year, the campus community recycled more than
nine tons of phone books. For more information, or to volunteer for the Dec.
7 pickup, call Gloria Erickson, 4-7977. More information about recycling
efforts, including building pickup locations, is available online at
Cyclones on ABC Oct. 26
The Cyclones football game against Texas on Oct. 26 will be carried by
ABC-TV regionally. Kickoff is slated for 2:30 p.m. CT.
Tell us if Web site moved
Departments and colleges that changed the location of their Web sites over
the summer are asked to send the updated URL to Annette Humpreys,
ahumphre@iastate.edu, so the university Web index may be updated.
Daylight-saving time ends
Be sure to set your clock back one hour when you go to bed Saturday, Oct.
26. Daylight-saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Oct. 27.
Miller Fellowships info online
Information about the Miller Faculty Fellowships for 2003-04 is online.
Fellowships support faculty proposals to develop new approaches to teaching
existing undergraduate courses or develop new courses. Guidelines and more
information can be found at
Writing Center for all students
The Writing Center, 418 Ross, has broadened its service to include all
undergraduates working on papers for any undergraduate courses. (Budget cuts
forced reductions in services last academic year.) Students should call
4-5411 for appointments.
Absentee voting on campus
The Story County Auditor's Office has scheduled several satellite absentee
voting sessions for the Nov. 5 general election. Registered voters
(students, faculty, staff and the general public) may vote from 11 a.m. to 5
p.m. on any of these days:
- Tuesday, Oct. 29, Knapp-Storms Commons
- Wednesday, Oct. 30, Memorial Union main desk and Hawthorne Court caf
- Thursday, Oct. 31, Maple-Willow-Larch Commons and Friley
Remember to conserve
Campus employees are reminded the university still is trying to save funds
by conserving energy. The ISU community can help by turning off computers,
monitors, printers, fax machines, copiers, lights and other equipment and
appliances whenever possible. Last fiscal year, the university saved $1.4
million through energy conservation. More information on the university's
conservation efforts is available online at
Winter weather reminder
With winter approaching, Iowa State employees are reminded that class or
office closings will be listed on the Iowa State Web site (
http://www.iastate.edu). Closing information also will be distributed
via radio and television stations.
Even if classes are canceled, university offices may remain open with staff
expected to report to work. When inclement weather makes it impossible to
come to work, employees should notify their immediate supervisors promptly.
Even if the university is closed, some staff whose jobs are vital to the
university's daily operations may be required to report to work.
Employees can request to make up time lost due to bad weather with
compensatory time within the work period, vacation pay or leave without pay.
Staff covered by collective bargaining agreements should refer to their
contracts for severe weather emergency policies.
Award deadline approaches
The nomination deadline for several student leadership awards is Friday,
Nov. 15. Applications are available in the Vice President for Student
Affairs Office, 2350 Beardshear, and in Student Activities, B6 Memorial
Union, and online at
Catt Center continues 10th anniversary celebration
The Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics will continue its 10th
anniversary celebration with a silent auction, dinner and theater
performance on Friday, Nov. 15. Auction items are listed online at
http://www.iastate.edu/~cccatt. A social hour will begin at 5:30 p.m.,
dinner at 7 p.m. and the play at 8:30 p.m. ISU associate professor of
theater Jane Cox will perform her one-woman play on Carrie Chapman Catt.
Silent auction winning bids will be announced after the play. All events
will be at the Scheman Center. For reservations, send a check ($45 per
person or $360 for a table of eight) to the Catt Center by Nov. 8. For more
information, contact the Catt Center, 4-3181, e-mail
Veenker upgrades planned
Four new greens will be constructed on the range and practice facility at
Veenker Memorial Golf Course. Three target greens will be placed in the
landing area, 50 to 150 yards from the hitting areas. The fourth, in the
northeast corner of the practice area, will be used for practice putting and
short chips. The target greens are scheduled to open at the start of the
2003 season; the practice green tentatively is scheduled to open at the
start of the 2004 season.
Faculty mentors needed
Faculty mentors are needed for "Life in Iowa," a new program in which
students do service projects and internships in Iowa communities. Campus
course work is tied to the experience. For information or to view a video
about the program, contact Nancy Bevin, 1033 Wallace Road Building, 4-1322.
More information is available online at
Free flu shots offered
Free flu shots will be provided to faculty and staff from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
weekdays from Oct. 31 through Nov. 22 in 205 Technical and Administrative
Service Facility (limited parking available in front of the building).
Occupational Medicine staff will administer the immunizations. For
information, call 4-0874.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.