October 11, 2002
Politics, religion on institute's agenda
by Debra Gibson
This year's Institute on World Affairs will focus on two topics our mothers
have long admonished us to avoid discussing -- politics and religion.
Speakers throughout the Institute, themed "Religion and Conflict," will
address the ramifications when those two entities collide. The institute
will kick off its lectures next week, with presentations running through
next April.
Events scheduled for this semester include talks by:
- Gail Omvedt, sociologist and author ("The Foundations of
Hindu-Muslim Unity: Raising Questions")
- William T. Cavanaugh, assistant professor of theology, University of
St. Thomas, Houston ("The Myth of Religious Violence")
- Bruce B. Lawrence, chair, department of religion, Duke University,
Durham, N.C. ("Defining Fundamentalism")
- Riffat Hassan, professor, University of Louisville, Kentucky, and
founder/president, International Network for the Rights of Female Victims of
Violence in Pakistan ("Women in Islam: A Feminist Muslim Analysis")
- Christopher Rossi, visiting lecturer, University of Iowa and former
White House director of national security for democracy, human rights and
humanitarian affairs; Robert Baum, ISU associate professor of religious
studies; and James McCormick, chair, ISU department of political science
("Politics and Religion")
- Duncan McPherson, editor, Living Stones magazine and retired
lecturer, St. Mary's University College in England ("Jerusalem and
Interfaith Understanding: Challenges and Opportunities in the Current
Institute On World Affairs 2002,
"Religion and Conflict"
Memorial Union, 4-9934
Monday, October 14
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "The Foundations of Hindu-Muslim Unity: Raising
Questions," Gail Omvedt, scholar-activist, India, Sun Room.
Monday, October 28
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "The Myth of Religious Violence," William
Cavanaugh, University of St. Thomas, Houston, Great Hall.
Thursday, October 31
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Defining Fundamentalism," Bruce Lawrence, Duke
University, Durham, N.C., Sun Room.
Monday, November 4
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Women in Islam: A Feminist Muslim Analysis,"
Riffat Hassan, University of Louisville, Kentucky, Sun Room.
Thursday, November 7
- 8 p.m., Panel, "Politics and Religion," Christopher Rossi,
University of Iowa; Robert Baum, ISU religious studies; James McCormick, ISU
political science, moderator, Sun Room.
Tuesday, December 3
- 8 p.m., Lecture, "Jerusalem and Interfaith Understanding:
Challenges and Opportunities in the Current Climate," Duncan MacPherson,
editor of Living Stones magazine, Great Hall.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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