September 27, 2002
Scavenger hunt highlights Homecoming
by Debra Gibson
The university community is invited to "Catch the Cyclone Craze" during
Homecoming 2002, running from Sunday, Sept. 29, through Sunday, Oct. 13.
A new event this year is the "Red Raider Scavenger Hunt," set to take place
Oct. 7-11. Students, faculty, staff and Ames residents can join the search
for a particular object, with clues available each day in the Iowa State
Daily and on the ISU Alumni Association's Web site,
http://www. isualum.org. A prize will be awarded to the individual who
finds the object.
Runners are invited to participate in Homecoming's annual "Running Home" 5K
run/walk, scheduled for 9 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 29, on central campus. Proceeds
from the event will help fund two $750 Homecoming Achievement Scholarships.
The scholarships are awarded to students who have attended ISU for at least
two years, have a minimum 3.0 gradepoint average and at least 60 semester
credits, and are either the child of an Iowa State alumnus or a
first-generation university student.
Blitz build
The university community also can become involved in the annual Habitat for
Humanity Blitz Build Oct. 7 --11 at 2501 Hoover Ave. Those wishing to help
with the construction of the single-family home must preregister, as the
number of volunteers for the project is limited. Registration information is
available at
Golfers are invited to sign up for the 18-hole "Homecoming Golf Outing" on
Sunday, Oct. 13, at Veenker Memorial Golf Course. The event will begin with
a light breakfast at 8 a.m., followed by a shotgun-start, four-person best
shot 18-hole tournament. Registration fee is $42 per person, which includes
the breakfast, 18 holes of golf and 1/2 cart. The deadline for registration
is Wednesday, Oct. 9; online registration can be found at
Other highlights of Homecoming '02 will include a parade through campus and
campustown, a concert on central campus, the annual Alumni Association
honors and awards ceremony, an alumni tailgate and the Homecoming football
game against Texas Tech.
Homecoming is sponsored by the ISU Alumni Association.
Sunday, September 29
- 9 a.m., Running Home, 5K race/walk, central campus.
Monday, October 7
- 8 a.m., Habitat for Humanity Blitz Build, 2501 Hoover Ave. (through
Oct. 11).
- 8 a.m., Red Raider Scavenger Hunt, Ames (through Oct. 11).
Friday, October 11
- 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Barbecue, free with Homecoming button.
- 5:30 p.m., Homecoming parade, campus and Campustown.
- 6:30 p.m., Pep rally and "Yell Like Hell" finals, central campus.
- 7:30 p.m., Ceremony, Alumni Association honors and awards, Scheman.
- 9:30 p.m., Concert, Life in General, central campus.
- Midnight, Mass campaniling and fireworks, central campus.
Saturday, October 12
- Alumni tailgate, Jack Trice Stadium parking lot.**
- Awards ceremony, Jack Trice Stadium parking lot.**
- Football, ISU vs. Texas Tech, *$25, Jack Trice Stadium.**
- 10 p.m.-1:30 a.m., Fall gala, Dr. Feelgood, *$12, Great Hall, MU.
Sunday, October 13
- 8 a.m., 18-Hole Homecoming golf outing, $42, Veenker Memorial Golf
* Discounts for students or seniors
**Times will be listed in Oct. 11 Inside.
MU stands for Memorial Union
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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