September 27, 2002
Brown bag lunch series
The 2002-03 Brown Bag series (formerly known as "Women In Touch") will be
held from noon to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9, in the Memorial Union
Campanile Room. Sharon Bird, assistant professor of sociology, will speak on
"Are We On The Same Page Here? Women and Men Sharing Gendered Spaces."
Participants are invited to bring their lunches; food will not be provided.
The event is free. For more information, contact Marcia Purdy at 4-4154.
ITC offers various workshops
The Instructional Technology Center offers workshops on WebCT, PowerPoint,
Dreamweaver, Flash, PhotoShop, Acrobat, DVD authoring and shooting digital
video. Workshop enrollment is online through Access-Plus, under
"Professional Development Rgstr." More information is available online at
School options discussed
The annual Graduate and Professional School Day will be held from noon to 4
p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 9, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. More than 90
representatives from universities and colleges nationwide, including Iowa
State's Graduate College, will attend. A series of 50-minute seminars on
preparing for graduate work will be offered 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct.
8, in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. There is no preregistration. More
information is available online at
http://www.iastate. edu/~career_info/gpd2002.html or by calling Beverly
Madden, 4-9490 (e-mail
Volunteers needed for study
Healthy volunteers between the ages of 35 and 50 who have not exercised
regularly for at least a year are needed for a research study. Participants
will receive individualized exercise recommendations. To sign up or request
more information, call the exercise psychology laboratory, 4-9290, or e-mail
Roxane Joens-Matre,
rjmatre@iastate.edu, or Erik Lind,
Workshop set on grant writing
A grant writing workshop will be held from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 10,
in N047 Lagomarcino. The workshop is open to all faculty and graduate
students interested in developing grant proposals for international
exchanges. The workshop is free; preregistration is recommended (4-8764).
For more information, check online at
ITC videos moved
The Reserve and Media Services department, 2 Parks Library, has acquired a
major portion of the Instructional Technology Center's video collection.
Guidelines for checking out videos and DVDs is online at
LAS names master teachers
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has named master teachers for
2002-03. This year's award focuses on teachers who have developed off-campus
learning experiences for ISU students. The master teachers are: Warren
Dolphin,, University Professor of zoology and genetics; Kathy
professor of foreign languages and literatures; Margaret Mook, associate
professor of foreign languages and literatures; Steve Pett, associate
professor of English; and William Simpkins, associate professor of
geological and atmospheric sciences. The five will plan teaching methods
seminars and in-class demonstrations throughout the academic year.
Patrick Patterson, interim chair of the department of industrial
education and technology for the academic year.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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