September 13, 2002
Convocation changes begin this fall
by Anne Krapfl
The Iowa State community is invited to the university's fall convocation at
3:15 p.m. Monday, Sept. 23, in the Memorial Union Sun Room.
Last week in a campus memo, President Gregory Geoffroy announced an evolving
format for convocation that merges the fall and spring events. The intent is
to save money and enrich the fall event, he said.
At this fall's event, holders of all of Iowa State's named faculty chairs
and professorships will be recognized and new university leaders will be
introduced. Additionally, two Iowa State faculty who recently received
international recognition -- professor of computer science Carl Chang, a new
member of the European Academy of Sciences; and Donald Duvick, an affiliated
professor of agronomy named in April to the National Academy of Sciences --
will be recognized. Geoffroy also will speak about the academic year ahead
and his goals for the university.
Beginning next fall, recipients of faculty and staff university awards --
awards that formerly were awarded at the spring convocation -- also will be
honored at the fall convocation. There will be no ISU spring convocation
beginning spring 2003.
Next fall and at subsequent fall events, new appointees to named faculty
chairs and professorships will be recognized.
An Iowa State student ensemble will provide music at the Sept. 23
convocation. Refreshments will be served following the program.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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