August 30, 2002
ISU Dining's evolution continues under new leader
Jon Lewis, the new director of ISU Dining, has the task of merging two ISU
food services into one. Photo by Bob Elbert. |
by Anne Krapfl
Jon Lewis has a fall semester "to do" list as loaded as any. The new
director of ISU Dining, who arrived on campus July 1, needs to finalize an
agreement in which Memorial Union food service employees become Iowa State
University employees. He needs to develop a master plan for the evolution of
ISU Dining over the next five years or so. He also ought to find an answer
for an un-Maine-like dilemma: Iowa ragweed allergies.
Lewis spent a dozen years at the University of Maine's Orono campus, opening
a new dining center just weeks before arriving in Ames. He appears undaunted
by the task ahead of him at Iowa State: merging the food operations
(resident dining centers, catering, vending, convenience stores) of the
residence department and Memorial Union into one. As announced in April, the
merged unit will be a component of the residence department. This decision
supersedes one made two years ago, when university leaders opted to try to
create a new auxiliary unit within student affairs. Debt loads and debt
repayment requirements of the two entities make that setup impossible.
Single employee group
Lewis said he hopes to resolve all the employee merger issues by
mid-September. Both residence and Memorial Union groups have prepared a
draft of what they'd like to see happen; what remains is resolving any
"For example, I think we've arrived at almost full acceptance of years of
service for MU employees who come over to the residence system," he said.
"No one will have a lower salary as an ISU employee; a majority will have
higher salaries."
The merger affects an estimated 290 employees; approximately 238 who will be
in the Merit system and about 52 Professional and Scientific employees. He
also said most employees would be doing "essentially" the same kind of work
in the new unit as they did in the old.
"There's a place for everyone in ISU Dining," Lewis said. "What also helps
is that both employee groups want to get this done and move ahead."
Lewis said he will announce completed merges as they occur. For example, his
hope is that a single ISU catering unit will exist sometime early next
Three associate directors will assist Lewis in ISU Dining. Carol Petersen
will continue to oversee residence student dining, Karen Larson will manage
the merged catering unit and a position review and search is under way for
the third component, "retail dining," which includes campus vending and cash
dining in the community centers as they open. (Hawthorn Market and Caf at
Frederiksen Court is the first; the second, Union Drive, is under
construction and scheduled for completion in fall 2003.)
Faculty, staff dining
"Portability" -- a residence student's freedom to use a meal plan at many
campus locations, not just in his or her residence building -- is a key
issue to tackle in the ISU dining master plan, Lewis said. Achieving
portability means adding retail dining operations, which also will create
new on-campus options for university employees.
"I think we need two more Hawthorn-size retail operations on campus," Lewis
said. "What strategic corners we put them on is something we'll study this
Lewis said he believes a single catering option also will benefit faculty
and staff. "Right now, you have to make a decision about who to call, and
you may not be sure if that group can help you in the location you want," he
noted. "I think people will see lots of benefits, including quality and
A professional consultant from the Ricca Planning Studios, Denver, will help
Lewis develop a master plan this fall. The group is familiar with Iowa
State, having completed feasibility studies several years ago as part of a
pre-merger study. Ricca also is the group that designed the Frederiksen
Court and Union Drive community centers.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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