August 30, 2002
Visiting writer series highlights Lectures lineup
by Linda Charles
Several authors will visit campus during the coming year as part of the ISU
Lectures Program "Imagining the Land: Visiting Writers Series."
Among the visiting writers will be Michael Martone, whose latest book
(The Flatness and Other Landscapes) won the Associated Writing
Programs Prize for Creative Nonfiction in 1998, and Betty Fussell, author of
nine books, including My Kitchen Wars. Martone was a member of the
ISU English faculty from 1980 to 1987.
Jane Smiley, a former distinguished professor of English at Iowa State who
won a 1992 Pulitzer Prize for her novel A Thousand Acres, will
celebrate her birthday on campus in September with a reading from her works.
She also will join John Cole, director of the National Center for the Book
at the Library of Congress, for "Voices from the Prairie: The Third Annual
Iowa Writers' Celebration."
Current issues will be examined during several of the Lectures Program
talks. September lectures include "Genetically Engineering Plants for
Enhancement of Nutritional Content" and "Are We Really Free: The Status of
Civil Liberties After 9-11." Other lectures will include "Bayard Rustin,
Civil Rights and American Homophobia" and "Are Teens Really Competent to
Stand Trial?" both in October, and "Can Values Be Good for Science?" in
February 2003.
Women's Week in October will feature Jayne Hitchcock, an online crime and
security expert, who will discuss "The Wild, Wild Web: Cyberstalking."
The Institute on World Affairs (October and November) will take a look at
"Religion and Conflict." Among the lectures scheduled are "The Foundations
of Hindu-Muslim Unity: Raising Questions," "The Myth of Religious Violence"
and "Defining Fundamentalism."
The Institute on National Affairs (spring semester) will examine "Mass Media
and Culture in America." As part of the institute, Susan Douglas, author of
Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media, will
discuss "Motherhood in Media" in February.
Details of Lectures Program events will be listed in the Inside and
ISU online calendars. Most Lectures Program events are free.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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