August 30, 2002
13 projects awarded grants
by Anne Krapfl
Thirteen proposals will share $30,000 in grant funding this year for
projects aimed at recruiting students to Iowa State or encouraging them to
stay to earn degrees. The grant program, now in its ninth year, is funded by
the President's Office and administered by a standing committee of the
Professional and Scientific Council.
The 13 were selected from 24 proposals submitted, requesting a total of
$144,426, said Kelly McCool, who chairs the committee this year. The grant
awards range in size from $400 to $6,307. Grant recipients will be asked to
turn in mid-year and end-of-year reports on specific outcomes of their
McCool said the committee considered several factors in judging the
proposals, including number of students impacted, attainability of the
proposal, number of P&S staff involved, amount of matching support and the
number of departments or units involved in the project or program.
Following is a brief summary of the 13 funded proposals:
- An educational outreach program to high school guidance counselors
on ISU's learning communities, so they'll recommend Iowa State to students
whose interests fit with learning communities. $2,061.
- A support network for female undergraduate students in agronomy,
with high school visits to help recruit girls into the agronomy field. $675.
- A statistical evaluation of four criteria used to admit students
to ISU's bachelor of architecture program to see if/how they relate to
retention and graduation of students, as well as student satisfaction and
performance. The study also will evaluate current retention programs.
- A summer experiential learning program in the College of
Education for Iowa high school minority students to inspire them to pursue
careers in teaching, health and human performance or industrial technology.
- A series of workshops in the
College of Engineering to educate undergraduate students about the value of
a graduate degree generally, and about ISU graduate programs and preparing
for graduate school. $2,600.
- A series of non-alcoholic entertainment alternatives for
students, to reduce negative behaviors and consequences associated with
drinking, cut down on binge drinking and ultimately make Iowa State a more
attractive place for high-achieving students. $6,307.
- An outreach program that targets one high school and encourages
students -- particularly girls and minority students -- to look at careers
in transportation and civil engineering, where a critical need exists for
professionals. $2,220.
- An online mentoring program that matches undergraduate female
students in science, technology, engineering or math with high school girls
who have indicated an interest in one of these fields (to both improve the
experience of ISU students and encourage high school students to enter
fields where they traditionally are underrepresented). $2,275.
- Enhancements to the recruiting efforts in economics and ag
business that include a series of special recruitment letters and an
invitation to "breakfast with the professor" for prospective students.
- A series of field trips and tutoring/mentoring sessions by ISU
students and P&S staff with non-English-speaking immigrant and minority
populations in Perry, to explain to them the importance and accessibility of
higher education. $3,833.
- A survey of new Engineering students at the start and conclusion
of fall semester to determine what affects their success in the first
semester of college. This will be shared with advisers to help students
choose courses and resources better. $400.
- A one-day conference for faculty and students at institutions
a day's drive of ISU that have chemistry programs. The goal is to recruit
top students to Iowa State's chemistry graduate program and develop some of
these schools as "feeder" schools to ISU graduate programs. $1,500.
- A "prospective students" database within Continuing Education
and Communication Services that helps staff better manage contacts with, and
recruitment of, off-campus students for off-campus credit programs. $1,500.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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