August 30, 2002
Nutcracker auditions Sept. 8
Auditions for the Iowa State Center's holiday production of The
Nutcracker Ballet will be held from noon to 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 8, in
Stephens Auditorium (enter through the stage door on the southeast side).
Registration begins at 11:15 a.m. All dancers must be at least 8 years old
and should wear leotards, tights and ballet or pointe shoes. Breakout times
are: noon to 3 p.m.: children's roles, 3-4 p.m.: adult dancing roles, 4-7
p.m.: ballet and pointe dance roles. Questions may be directed to the Robert
Thomas Dancenter, 233-3609.
University policies prohibit harassment
Faculty and staff are reminded that sexual harassment assistors are
available to help those who feel they have been sexually harassed in the
work environment. In addition, the campus community is reminded the
university has policies prohibiting harassing behavior, whether it is sexual
or racially-ethnically derogatory. Information on assistors is online at:
http://www.iastate.edu/news/announce/02/aug/harass.html. Information
about sexual, racial or ethnic harassment is online at:
Purchasing department ends Register ad contract
Beginning Sept. 3, the purchasing department no longer will maintain an open
contract with the Des Moines Register for classified and display ads.
Departments wishing to place an ad that costs more than $2,000 will need to
use an Iowa State VISA purchasing card (P-card) or obtain a purchase order
number from the purchasing department. Information about placing ads may be
found online at:
Registration open for fall Workspace classes
Registration opened Aug. 26 for fall art classes at the Memorial Union
Workspace. For a full list of classes, call 4-0970 or visit this Web site:
Rec Services will require ISUCard
Due to elimination of the student fee card, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 3, all
student and non-student participants will be required to present a valid
ISUCard to Recreation Services staff to use facilities, programs and
services. All non-student patrons using the Lied Center must present a valid
ISUCard and a current Lied user card. Contact the ISUCard office, 4-2727, to
obtain or replace an ISUCard.
Two-for-one day in athletic department
Saturday, Aug. 31, is two-for-one day for Cyclone fans. Those with tickets
stubs from the football home opener against Kansas (11:30 a.m. start at Jack
Trice Stadium) will be admitted free to two volleyball matches later that
day. The Cyclone volleyball team is hosting the ISU Heritage Volleyball
Classic Aug. 30-31. The team plays Wisconsin-Green Bay at 7 p.m. Friday,
Missouri-Kansas City at 3 p.m. Saturday and Morgan State at 7 p.m. Saturday.
All matches are at Hilton Coliseum.
Graduate biotech fellowships available
The Office of Biotechnology invites applications for graduate student
fellowships from academic departments or interdisciplinary programs
participating in ISU's biotechnology program. For more information or forms,
contact Teri Peterson, 1210 Molecular Biology, 4-4779,
Sept. 1 deadline to be Honors student research mentor
Faculty and researchers engaged in research and interested in having one or
more freshman Honors student assistants in their labs spring semester should
contact Robin Gogerty, 4-0573, by Sept. 1. Students are matched with mentors
based on mutual research interests and both parties agree to a match.
Students must work a minimum of three hours a week.
Teleconference serving hearing-impaired students
Iowa State will participate in a Sept. 26 satellite conference, "Using
Technology to Enhance Educational Services for Students who are Deaf or Hard
of Hearing in Postsecondary Education," from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Memorial
Union Pioneer Room. There is no charge for ISU faculty, staff and students,
but preregistration is requested. Contact Donna Fowler, 4-7611 (4-6635 TTY),
New weekly tips for teachers
A new weekly Center for Teaching Excellence e-mail for ISU teachers contains
tips, suggestions and announcements related to teaching and learning. To
subscribe, send an e-mail to Pam Patterson,
pamela@iastate.edu, or call 4-4512.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.