August 16, 2002
ISU will host Aug. 21 Business After Hours
New faculty and staff will have an opportunity to get acquainted with
community leaders when Iowa State hosts the Ames Chamber of Commerce's
monthly "Business After Hours" Aug. 21. The event will be held at Reiman
Gardens from 5 to 7 p.m. and is open to the campus community. Refreshments
will be served. A short program with remarks from President Gregory Geoffroy
is scheduled for 5:45 p.m.
Open house at Jischke building is Aug. 19
Faculty and staff are invited to an open house at the Jischke Honors
Building from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday, Aug. 19. The new building will house
Freshman Honors Program staff offices and classes.
Student service offices moved
International Education Services and the Study Abroad Center moved from
Hamilton Hall to the Memorial Union earlier this month. Phone and fax
numbers, Web sites and e-mail addresses remain the same. Effective Aug. 5,
the new mail addresses are: International Education Services, Suite 252
Memorial Union; Study Abroad Center, Suite 256 Memorial Union. Office
lobbies are: International Students/Scholars: 250 Memorial Union; IES
Administration: 252 Memorial Union; Study Abroad Center: 256 Memorial Union.
Seniors needed for immunity study
Individuals over age 65 are needed for a study on the effects of exercise on
immune response. Test subjects who don't exercise vigorously on a regular
basis or take steroids or other medications that alter immunity are sought.
For more information or to sign up, contact Marian Kohut, health and human
performance, 4-8364,
New Faculty, TA orientation seminar set
The Teaching Seminar and Orientation for new faculty and teaching assistants
will be held Aug. 19-20 at the Memorial Union. The seminar and meals are
free, but pre-registration is required. An online registration form is at
http://wss07.ait.iastate.edu. For more information, contact the Center for
Teaching Excellence, 4-2906.
Sign up by Sept. 9 for ISU bowling league
The ISU faculty-staff bowling league will begin the 2002-03 season Sept. 9.
The league bowls at 20th Century Bowling at 6:30 p.m. Mondays for 32 weeks.
Departments and individuals are invited to sign up between now and Sept. 9;
contact Harvey Burkholder, 292-4546, e-mail:
hr2burk@aol.com, address: 2822 Pinehurst Cr., Ames, 50014.
Funds available for undergrad research assistantships
College work-study funding is available in the Undergraduate Research
Assistantship (URA) program for 2002-03. The program matches outstanding
juniors and seniors with faculty members and encourages the students to
pursue graduate study by offering them hands-on experience in research. The
faculty sponsor pays 30 percent of the wages and the program funds 70
percent. For more information, see
http://www.iastate.edu/~fin_aid_info/GeneralTopics/Forms.html or contact
Julie Arnold, Student Financial Aid, 0410 Beardshear, 4-0103,
Reiman Friday concerts continue
The Friday concerts will continue at Reiman Gardens through August.
Scheduled are Door No. 3 (Aug. 16) and the Freestyle Variety Band (Aug. 23).
Concerts begin at 7 p.m. on the garden's patio. Snacks, wine, soda and beer
no longer will be available, but bottled water will be sold.
State Gym basketball floor, track temporarily closed
Resurfacing of the State Gym basketball floor is under way, and both the
floor and upstairs track are closed during the project. The facilities will
reopen Aug. 26.
Dietary intervention symposium at ISU
A symposium on molecular targets for dietary intervention in disease will be
held Sept. 19-22 in the Scheman Building. The event is part of the Growth
Factor and Signal Transduction Conference series. The registration deadline
for ISU faculty, staff, and students is Aug. 26. For information, call
4-7978 or visit the symposium's Web site at
Iowa Concern launches Web site
The new Iowa Concern Web site
offers information on
legal issues, financial concerns, dealing with disasters, stress, health,
overcoming adversity and parenting. Callers also can get help by calling the
Iowa Concern Hotline's toll-free number, (800) 447-1985.
College for Seniors preview
A summary of the 14 courses to be offered fall semester in ISU's College for
Seniors will begin at 2 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 27, in the Scheman Building.
Courses will be offered this fall at the Scheman Building, Parks Library,
Northcrest Community in Ames, and the ISU Outreach Center at Eighth and
Locust streets in Des Moines. Courses are $40 each and open to individuals
age 55 and older. For a fall 2002 brochure and registration form, contact
the College for Seniors, 88 Scheman, Ames 50011, phone 294-3830, e-mail:
Faculty needed for Freshman Honors research assistants
Spring research assistantships again will be part of the Freshman Honors
Program. Faculty and researchers interested in working with one or more
freshman student research assistants next spring should contact Robin
Gogerty, 4-0573,
rgogerty@iastate.edu, by Sept. 1. Students must work at least three
hours a week to receive academic credit. A match is finalized once the
student and researcher meet and approve the match.
- Richard Poist Jr., professor of transportation and
logistics, to interim chair of the department of logistics, operations and
management information systems, effective Aug. 1.
- Shawn Rigby, Veterans Affairs Medical Center, to manager of the
Office of Biotechnology's Cell Facility, effective Aug. 5.
- Robert Holland, professor and chair of veterinary diagnostic and
production animal medicine, to interim chair of the department of veterinary
clinical sciences, effective July 25.
- Mary Ann Nieves, associate professor of veterinary clinical
sciences, to interim director of the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, effective
July 25.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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