July 26, 2002
Pedestrian safety behind road changes
by Anne Krapfl
Work on a section of Wallace Road in the next few weeks will convert vehicle
traffic from four lanes to two, with a third, center lane used for left turn
lanes and islands. The remaining roadway will be used for right turn lanes
and bus stop areas. The part of east campus' Wallace Road to be affected lies
between Lincoln Way (Maple-Willow-Larch area) and Union Drive (Hamilton Hall
area). The work primarily will be painting and striping on the road surface.
Traffic lanes will close temporarily, but planners hope to keep short-term
road closures to a minimum.
The change is a response to student's safety concerns at the
Maple-Willow-Larch crossing and is intended to improve pedestrian safety,
particularly at that location and in front of the Lied Center, according to
ISU landscape architect Rick Fox. He said crossing two lanes of traffic is
safer than crossing four, especially when a center island provides a "safety
zone" for pedestrians.
Traffic analysis, vehicle counts and recommendations from consultants have
determined that the volume of traffic on Wallace Road doesn't require four
traffic lanes, Fox said.
While most of the work involves street striping and painting, at the Wallace
Road crossing in front of Maple-Willow-Larch, crews will extend the curbs,
narrowing the street in that area.
Fox said campus planners would assess the effectiveness of the changes over
several years. Permanent, curbed islands may be installed in the future, but
no funds have been targeted for that at this time.
The re-striping work is expected to begin the week of July 29. Before it
begins, crews will reverse the one-way flow of traffic in Richardson Court.
When the work is completed, cars will enter at the north drive to Richardson
Court (near Oak and Elm halls) and exit at the south end (near Linden Hall).
Again, the change is intended to improve pedestrian safety and avoid the
likelihood of vehicles backed up to Lincoln Way when a lead car is waiting
to turn left into Richardson Court.
Questions about the road project may be directed to Fox, 4-9612.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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