July 26, 2002
After five
Ever wonder where your co-workers are headed at the end of the day? This
Inside feature catches up with university employees "after five."
Photo by Kerry Gibson.
Name: Marty Ellenberger
By day, he's: Media specialist, Instructional Technology Center
After five, he's: Actor, having performed in "70 to 100 shows" the
past 30 years
Knew acting was his scene: In an eighth-grade production of Oh,
Baby, a madcap adventure of babysitters and mistaken identities
The play that gets his 'props': The 1989 Maintenance Shop's
production of Hair
Quote worthy of Variety while recently playing Oliver!
villain Bill Sykes: "To paraphrase actor Gabriel Byrne, 'Most actors
labor under the misconception that they play other people, when, in fact,
they actually play themselves.' I hope, for my sake, he was wrong."
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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