July 26, 2002
Ask Inside
Send your questions about Iowa State sites, people, history, policies and
"things" to Ask Inside, 2040 Communications, e-mail:
Q: I see that we can buy airline tickets for ISU travel from Web sites.
Does this mean I can bid on tickets through a site such as "priceline.com"
(where tickets are not refundable or able to be changed if my plans change
at the last minute)?
A: ISU's policy does not restrict which Internet sites you can use.
However, you should read an Internet site's policies before making a
purchase. Find out about policies on exchanges and refunds. For example,
with priceline.com, you will not be able to obtain refunds, exchanges or
transfers after the ticket has been purchased. When you purchase a ticket
through priceline.com, you also will not know the airline name, flight times
or number of connections until after your credit card has been charged. And
unlike prices quoted by traditional travel agencies, some Web site bids do
not include taxes, so you may end up paying a higher amount than you were
The June issue of Consumer Reports Travel Letter includes a comparison
of several travel Web sites (the monthly magazine contains a summary of this
study). The accounting office also has updated a Web site with comparison
information at:
http://www.adp.iastate.edu/vpbf/accounting/internettravelsites.htm. For
more information on the policy, contact Bill Cahill, 4-5181.
Source: Bill Cahill, ISU accounting office
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
Copyright © 1995-2001, Iowa State University. All rights reserved.