July 5, 2002
Enhancement funding focuses on faculty, students
by Anne Krapfl
Eight projects -- from e-Library to a learning community -- will receive a
total of just over $1.1 million dollars this year in a university-wide
enhancement plan announced last week by President Gregory Geoffroy. Funding
will focus on creating new faculty positions and helping undergraduate
students succeed at Iowa State.
The eight come from a list of 18 projects requesting about $5.6 million in
funding that had been recommended in March by the president's Task Force on
Strategic Effectiveness and Budget Priorities. Funds for the eight come from
new tuition revenue.
"The circumstances of our budget prevented me from funding as many of the
enhancement proposals as I would have preferred," Geoffroy said in a June 27
memo to task force members. "I trust that those receiving funding will have
a significant, positive impact on Iowa State students."
Half of the 18.5 percent tuition increase approved last fall for the 2002-03
school year was intended to fund improvements to the quality of education at
ISU. As part of its assignment last winter, the task force reviewed and
recommended projects to receive some of this funding. However, severe state
cuts to the university's operating budget this winter and spring forced ISU
leaders to use $14.9 million of new tuition revenue to offset the reduction,
leaving a lot less for enhancement proposals.
Geoffroy's selections for enhancement funding generally follow the priority
order established by the task force, although several buildings and grounds
proposals ranked high by the task force could not be funded this year
because of budget limitations. Tight budgets also meant that some of the
awards are less than the amounts requested, and some awards are the first
step in proposed phased projects (up to four years long). Recipients in both
cases are being asked to indicate how this year's funding will be spent and
to revise their phased plans.
"Our hope is to continue to fund the multi-year commitments, but we're not
in a position that we can promise that," Geoffroy said.
Selected projects
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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