June 14, 2002
Is this the way to South Carolina?
Among the many old, old and just plain unusual plantings on campus is a
single specimen of the Tuliptree. The tree is tucked away on the east side
of LeBaron Hall, near the building, to protect it from the winter elements.
The Tuliptree, called Yellow Poplar by some, is a member of the magnolia
family and the tallest hardwood in North America. It essentially is a
southern tree, but can be found as far north as New England and (with a few
obvious exceptions) as far west as Illinois. Its distinguishing
characteristics include large, bright green, glossy leaves and tulip-shaped
flowers, two to three inches high and wide, of yellow, orange and green.
Photo by Bob Elbert.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
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