June 14, 2002
Average increase for faculty, P&S staff around 2.6 percent
by Anne Krapfl
The salary increase average for P&S staff and faculty for the year beginning
July 1 will be around 2.6 percent. However, due to the relatively small pool
of salary dollars, university officials are not actually targeting an
"average" increase this year, as they have in the past. They will grant more
latitude to managers who want to reallocate funds to award greater salary
increases to exemplary employees, and especially to help correct market or
equity issues. Such reallocations will require provost or vice presidential
Iowa State's portion of salary increase dollars from the state is a little
over $9.1 million. This will be used to fund salary increases for Merit
staff as required by the AFSCME contract, increases in the cost of benefits
and worker's compensation, increases for faculty promotions ($2,600 for
promotion to full professor, $2,300 to associate professor) and the salary
increases for faculty and P&S staff.
The university will use an additional $1.1 million in earnings from its
Principal stock endowment to reduce the estimated health benefit cost
increases for all employees when the next plan year begins Feb. 1, 2003. As
a policyholder, Iowa State made (and subsequently invested) money when the
Principal Co. changed from a mutual company to a publicly held company last
year. Earnings from the endowment are to be used for employee benefits
Salary increases for ISU Merit employees covered by the AFSCME contract will
include two components: an average 3 percent increase on July 1 and an
average increase of 4.5 percent on employees' anniversary dates. The Merit
system is converting this year from a 10-step matrix to pay grades with
minimums and maximums; this conversion will give some individual employees
further increases to bring salaries to pay grade minimums.
Distribution of salary dollars
Earlier this week, the provost and vice presidents received a memo outlining
how salary increase funds should be used. Faculty and P&S staff who received
satisfactory performance evaluations this spring and summer will receive a
minimum salary increase of 0.87 percent (one-third of what's distributed for
increases this year). Exceptions will be considered when an individual who
performed well requests less than this minimum to free up salary dollars to
improve colleagues' salaries. The provost or a vice president must approve
all exceptions of this kind. Increases above this amount will be based on
individual merit and market or equity issues.
Last week, the P&S Council approved a distribution recommendation that
ignored the one-third minimum requirement this year and asked instead for
equitable increases for all. However, the one-third minimum policy is a
standing faculty policy and President Gregory Geoffroy said he believes it
is important to use the same policy for both groups.
Ames, Iowa 50011, (515) 294-4111
Published by: University Relations,
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